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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Τι λένε οι καμένοι PCαδες για το iPhone 4;

With the iPhone 4, Apple has done what was necessary to retain its title as manufacturer of the most polished, most full-featured smartphone on the planet. They took care of most of the lingering criticisms about the iPhone (such as lack of multitasking) added a couple of features that people have been clamoring for (a front-facing camera for video chat, for instance) and wrapped it all up in a fantastic-looking and wide-ranging hardware upgrade.

The problem with dropped calls is a real one, and its surely something Apple knew about before the launch. But it’s easy to fix with a bumper or a case—something you should probably have anyway, to protect your investment. The right thing for Apple to do would be to offer a free bumper to everyone who buys an iPhone 4. Until they do that, consider the price of an iPhone 4 to be $30 above what it says on the price tag.

Apple’s oppressive app store policies are as much of an issue as ever (though the phone is already easy to jailbreak), as is the fact that the phone is tied to AT&T’s spotty coverage and stingy data plans. We’re not going to dwell on these issues here because we figure by this point you know whether they’re enough to keep you from picking up an iPhone. If you can get past those hurdles, the iPhone 4 is an incredible piece of hardware, and has set the bar high for the rest of the industry.

Διαβάστε όλο το review εδώ.

Το γουστάρουν στα κρυφά κι ας μην το φωνάζουν.

Μιλάμε για σκληροπυρηνικούς PCαδες και παρόλα αυτά παραδέχονται ότι το iPhone σήκωσε ψηλά τον πήχη για ολόκληρη τη βιομηχανία; Πέστε το ξεκάθαρα βρε: Γουστάρουμε τρελά το iPhone 4 . & -

Έλεος δηλαδή. Τόσο μα τόσο πολύ οι πουτάνες της Micro$oft και της Google; Πέστε το στα ίσα επιτέλους!

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