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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ip Man 2


Monday, March 29, 2010

Πιθανότατα ο πιο πολύτιμος CEO στον κόσμο: Steve Jobs

Από εδώ.

Το ζώον ο Glenn Beck και οι Έλληνες μαθητές του

According to a Washington Post story by Howard Kurtz, about 200 advertisers have "joined a boycott" of Glenn Beck's program, with Apple abandoning Fox News altogether. From the story:

More than 200 companies have joined a boycott of Beck's program, making it difficult for Fox to sell ads. The time has instead been sold to smaller firms offering such products as Kaopectate, Carbonite, 1-800-PetMeds and Goldline International. A handful of advertisers, such as Apple, have abandoned Fox altogether. Network executives say they believe they could charge higher rates if the host were more widely acceptable to advertisers...

... By calling President Obama a racist and branding progressivism a "cancer," Beck has achieved a lightning-rod status that is unusual even for the network owned by Rupert Murdoch. And that, in turn, has complicated the channel's efforts to neutralize White House criticism that Fox is not really a news organization. Beck has become a constant topic of conversation among Fox journalists, some of whom say they believe he uses distorted or inflammatory rhetoric that undermines their credibility

Fox News has become the "American Idol" of cable news, utterly dominant, so much so they're planning to target mainstream entertainment networks such as USA and TNT at their upfront pitch to advertisers. But its easy to forget that ratings only matter if your numbers can successfully convince advertisers to purchase time on a program. To hear Kurtz tell it, Beck's program is like that "Twilight Zone" episode where a librarian is left alone with a million books and a broken pair of glasses.

Διαβάστε το αυθεντικό άρθρο εδώ.

Ο μοναδικός λόγος που αναφέρω το παραπάνω εδώ είναι για το ζώον τον Beck. Είναι από τα ζώα που κάνουν ΕΠΙΤΗΔΕΣ ένα σωρό @@ και μετά το παίζει "συγγνώμη και συγγνώμη". Ένα πράγμα σαν την ξανθιά αλλήθωρη πουτάνα (και όχι μόνο) στη χώρα μας.

Μακάρι να τον παρατήσουν εταιρίες και θεατές. Αλλά δυστυχώς στον κόσμο που ζούμε, η βλακεία είναι μεταδοτική και η μ@λ@κί@ είναι προσόν. Γι αυτό πηγαίνουμε συνεχώς από τα σκατά στη διάρρεια.

Περαστικά μας.

Ο Star Wars Thundercat Obama

Από εδώ κι εδώ.

Ο δικός μας δεν έχει χρόνο για τέτοια. Προλαβαίνει μόνο να μαμάει το κράτος μας.

Η Θεά AppleGirl

Θ Ε Α !!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm a PC mother f@cker

Και πολύ καλά να πάθεις PC... Περαστικά σου!

Να άλλος ένας Μέγας Λασπολόγος

Newsweek hates, then loves, the iPad

The author of Newsweek's glowing iPad cover story sang a different tune at the unveiling

"Some say the iPad heralds a new era of computing, and I'm inclined to believe them," writes Dan Lyons in the lead story of Newsweek's April 5 cover story. "The interface is so intuitive — navigating with your fingers rather than a keyboard and mouse — that it will change what we expect from our computers."

That's interesting. Because when Lyons was interviewed immediately after Steve Jobs unveiled the iPad to the press last January, he was, to say the least, underwhelmed.

Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια εδώ.

Στο παραπάνω βίντεο βλέπετε την κακία του για το iPad, την Apple, κλπ. και στο καπάκι στο νέο του άρθρο ο ΙΔΙΟΣ από τη μία εξυμνεί:

Which is why so many of us raced to San Francisco in January to get an up-close view of the miraculous tablet. Yet my first thought, as I watched Jobs run through his demo, was that it seemed like no big deal. It's a bigger version of the iPod Touch, right? Then I got a chance to use an iPad, and it hit me: I want one. Like the best Apple products, the user interface is so natural it disappears.

Και από την άλλη πάλι σφάζει με βαμβάκι το iPad και την Apple:

Let's be honest: Jobs and his crew make the Church of Scientology look like a bunch of easygoing sweethearts. But that's not deterring developers. They saw the boom of the iPhone market and can't wait to jump on the next wave. Apple may be a nightmare to deal with, but it's rounded up a huge pool of customers—75 million iPhones and iPod Touch units have been sold—and created an online store that makes it easy for developers to reach them. The lucky developers will make a fortune.

Σίγουρα είναι από αυτούς που πιστεύουν στο: "Αν δεν μπορείς να τους νικήσεις, πήγαινε μαζί τους".

Κάτι τέτοια κουμάσια μας κάνουν ότι θέλουν σε ολόκληρο τον πλανήτη. Περαστικά μας.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

40 αστεία μηνύματα προβλημάτων σε Η/Υ

Μετάφραση: Ενώ η χρήστης προσπαθεί να διαβάσει ένα μήνυμα που εμφανίστηκε από κάποιο σφάλμα στο λογισμικό ή στη χρήση αυτού, εμφανίζεται άλλο ένα μήνυμα που του λέει: "Ένα πρόβλημα συνέβη ενώ βλέπατε το προηγούμενο πρόβλημα."

Μετάφραση: Ενώ ο χρήστης προσπαθεί να επιλέξει το Micro$oft Excel να ανοίξει ένα Micro$oft Excel έγγραφο, ο υπολογιστής του λέει ότι: "Το Excel δεν είναι σίγουρο αν μπορεί να ανοίξει το Excel έγγραφο"

Δείτε τα υπόλοιπα εδώ.

Ρε τον Dvorak. Θα μας τρελάνει. Κι άλλο!

The treadmill is horrible. Every computer company is forced to either upgrade constantly or lower prices (or both). Compare what you could get for $3,500 in 1985 with what you can get today for $1,000, even factoring in inflation, R&D, and the rest. The processing power of an Intel 286 was between one and three MIPS. Today's Core i7s do 7,500 to 75,000 MIPS (or more), depending on who is measuring. Of course this chip isn't in a $1,000 box yet, but it will be soon.

The fact of the matter is that the treadmill process has ironically ruined the business. Computing power has gone from something of value to a commodity. From 1975 to 1990, computers were valued transformative tools. They hit a brick wall when Windows 95 arrived, turning everyone into touchie-feelie mouse-oriented users. The GUI was a boon to sales since it simplified computer use, but it also began the commoditization process. After Windows 95 hit the streets, there was nothing much more to do beyond tweaking what you already had.

Here is the test: Get a hold of an old machine that still runs, say, Windows 3.0. See if you can run a program. The whole thing is clunky and, frankly, weird. Now see if you can operate a Windows 95 machine. Simple, right? It's not that different from Windows Vista or Windows 7. The GUI I/O is pretty much the same, save for the pretty pictures and 3D icons. The same holds true for Apple. An OS X user should find it very easy to operate the 1984-era Macintosh. This is not because it is inherently intuitive—it's not. (For further proof, watch Star Trek IV.) You can run it easy because things haven't changed that much.
My biggest disappointment is with the Linux community. It could do much more than producing copycat GUIs for desktops. Perhaps there is a fantastic and unique GUI that is buried in the noise and cannot get any attention. But how hard is it to draw attention to yourself when you have something unique and new? Sure that "cube" interface was interesting—to a point. When it comes down to doing any actual work on the thing, it still boils down to the desktop. And that, ultimately, is the problem: the desktop.

Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια εδώ.

Δεν έχει άδικο. Όντως επί δεκαετίες τώρα τα έχουμε κάνει σκατά, ΕΙΔΙΚΑ αποδεχόμενοι την άχρηστη Micro$oft, τους "ειδικούς" της και τους οπαδούς τους.

Εκεί που το χάνει το παιχνίδι ο Dvorak είναι που μπερδεύει τα iPhone και τα iPad. Σου αρέσουν δεν σου αρέσουν ρε John. Τα καταλαβαίνεις ή όχι. Κάνε μας τη χάρη και μην μπερδεύεις βούρτσες με μπιπ-μπιπ.

ΔΕΝ έχουν καμία σχέση με τους υπολογιστές και ειδικά τους Windows, ΔΟΞΑ το Θεό.

Άσε να σου πω εγώ που είναι το πρόβλημα John Dvorak. Είναι πολύ απλό. Δύο λέξεις μόνο:
Micro$oft "πληροφορική".

Σου υπόσχομαι John ότι αν καταφέρεις να την εξαφανίσεις, τότε πραγματικά θα αρχίσεις να τρίβεις τα μάτια σου, τα αυτιά σου και ότι άλλο σου αρέσει να τρίβεις.

Μέχρι τότε, περαστικά σας.

Λασπολογία κατά της Apple, νούμερο: Φτου και βγαίνω

Why are we making such a fuss about this?

As a society, we may be at a cusp, a point where we’re transitioning away from a mixed print/digital world to one that’s predominantly digital.

Book publishers, newspaper publishers and magazine publishers are experiencing unprecedented revenue compression and are looking at transforming their businesses away from print as a factor of mere survival.

If Apple’s iPad has the effect on our print reading matter in the way iTunes did on our music consumption, Apple could wind up the dominant channel by which we get published “print” information.

That’s why the issue of Apple picking and choosing what we can and can’t read is so disturbing. If they’re forcing magazines to edit their contents in order to get distribution, then whatever Apple’s then-current (and thus far completely arbitrary) rules would determine what you get to read.

It might even determine the political, religious, or ideological slant of what you’re permitted to read.

Because Apple has indicated that it intends to censor published works that it distributes digitally and because Apple has been absolutely non-forthcoming about any details, we as members of the press are, essentially, obligated to point out what’s happening.

Διαβάστε τη λασπολογία εδώ.

Μάλιστα. Το ότι η Apple ΔΕΝ είναι μονοπώλιο και με το ζόρι (μην έχοντας πρόσβαση σε καταστήματα και υποστήριξη Apple προϊόντων) εκατομμύρια άνθρωποι σε ολόκληρο τον πλανήτη αγοράζουν τα προϊόντα της, πρέπει να σας τη δίνει πολύ άσχημα, έτσι;

Ακόμη περισσότερο πρέπει να σας τη δίνει το γεγονός ότι παρά τις οργανωμένες επιθέσεις σας ενάντια στην Apple πάνω από 30 χρόνια τώρα, υπάρχουν εκατομμύρια άνθρωποι που σας έχουν γραμμένους.

Όπως επίσης και το γεγονός ότι όλο και περισσότεροι άνθρωποι που ήτανε σκλάβοι και όμηροι της "πληροφορικής" που "ειδικοί" σαν και σας χτίσατε δεκαετίες τώρα, σας πήρανε χαμπάρι και την κάνανε με ελαφρά πηδηματάκια.

Και όχι απλά την κάνανε αλλά με τίποτα δεν γυρνάνε πίσω. Περισσότερο από ποτέ βλέπετε τις καρέκλες σας να τρίζουν και τα λόγια σας να είναι αδύναμα και να τα παίρνει ο άνεμος. Σας κυρίευσε ο φόβος και η βλακεία σας. Σε σας και τους οπαδούς σας, εύχομαι, περαστικά.

Αν και οι περιπτώσεις σας είναι ανίατες, περαστικά σας.

Η NVIDIA Fermi γενιά είναι εδώ αλλά όχι τώρα. Σύντομα όμως!

For better or worse, the launch of NVIDIA's next-generation GPU architecture codenamed Fermi, a.k.a. GF100, is one of the most highly anticipated in our industry, ever. Information about the GPU has been tricking out for many months now, some of it good and some bad. Regardless of what you have chosen to believe or ignore up to this point, one irrefutable fact remains. NVIDIA is extremely late to the DirectX-11 party. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Rival AMD has used the last few months to release a myriad of DX11-class cards ranging in price from under $100 to almost $700, fleshing out a top-to-bottom line-up that caters to virtually every market segment. Today NVIDIA is announcing two high-end cards, neither of which will be available for a couple of more weeks. So while this announcement is an important move for the company, NVIDIA would have liked to have made it sooner. C'est la vie.

NVIDIA may be late with their DX11-class cards, but launching strong products that compete favorably at their respective price points may erase some lingering concerns about the company and restore faith in prospective consumers. To that end, we can finally show you what NVIDIA has in store for the hardcore gamers out there. Today, NVIDIA is officially unveiling the GeForce GTX 480 and GeForce GTX 470. We have two of the flagship GeForce GTX 480 cards in house, and have tested them alongside NVIDIA's previous-gen products and AMD's Radeon HD 5800 / 5900 series, both in single and dual-card configurations. There's a lot to cover, so grab a snack, hydrate, and strap yourself in while we take NVIDIA's latest flagship for a spin around the HotHardware lab...

Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια εδώ.

Fermi/GF100/GTX400 has been a long time coming. For an industry where the major players are usually in lockstep with each other in some fashion, this latest cycle has been distinctly out of sync. In September of 2009 we saw AMD launch their Radeon 5000 series, and spend the next 6 months as the performance leader for the discrete graphics market for virtually every price point. NVIDIA on the other hand missed the latest cycle by a mile, and when AMD was delivering 5000 series cards NVIDIA could only talk about the High Performance Computing applications of their next GPU, Fermi. It would be the next big thing, both figuratively and literally.

In January we got the next piece of the Fermi story at CES, when NVIDIA was willing to talk about the gaming-oriented hardware and applications of the first Fermi GPU: GF100. We found out it would be significantly different from the GT200 GPU powering NVIDIA’s GTX200 series, that NVIDIA was going to break up the traditional fixed-function pipeline and at the same time take a particularly keen interest in tessellation. What we didn’t find out is when it would ship.

Much of this has been in NVIDIA’s hands – some of it has not. What’s indisputable is that TSMC, the chip foundry used by both AMD and NVIDIA, was not delivering the kind of yields on their 40nm process that AMD and NVIDIA were expecting. Both of them suffered for it. AMD could not get enough viable chips to meet demand for their 5000 series part, leaving a wake of disappointed gamers who could not get AMD’s latest wonder, and limiting AMD’s ability to profit from one of the few times in AMD/ATI’s history where the company had a clear lead over NVIDIA, and if you ask AMD also limiting their ability to control prices. NVIDIA meanwhile had to deal with the fact that they were trying to produce a very large chip on a low-yielding process, a combination for disaster given that size is the enemy of high yields.

Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια εδώ.

Καλά και χρυσά όλα αυτά κύριοι και κυρίες αλλά τι να τα κάνω τα κτήνη κάρτες γραφικών της AMD/ATI και της NVIDIA όταν αυτοί που κάνουν τα αληθινά παιχνίδια, τα κάνουν για Sony PS3 και Nintendo Wii; Ακόμη και στο τρισάθλιο XBOX 360;

Το μόνο θετικό από αυτές τις κάρτες γραφικών είναι ότι ΙΣΩΣ κάποια στιγμή οι εταιρίες λογισμικού θα τις εκμεταλλευθούν στο έπακρο γι ακόμη πιο "άντε γεια" εφαρμογές. Ίσως. Κάποτε. Θα δείξει.

Για παιχνίδια, όσοι έχετε μυαλό πάρτε PS3 ή Wii, αν δεν έχετε ήδη. Στη χειρότερη ένα iPad. Όλα τα άλλα είναι: "κλάιν μάιν".

Apple iPad; iΝαι. iYes.

Fujitsu agreed last week to assign over all rights to the iPad name to Apple, according to US Patent and Trademark Office records.

Fujitsu originally registered the iPad name with the Patent and Trademark Office in March 2003 in connection with a handheld scanner for retailers made by the Japanese company.

The Patent and Trademark Office records, obtained on Friday by technology blogs and, show that the iPad trademark was assigned to Apple on March 17.
The details of the transaction between Fujitsu and Apple were not available.
The iPad is to go on sale in the United States on April 3.

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Λογικό ή όχι. Καλώς ή κακώς. Πάει και αυτός ο προβληματισμός. Πάμε για τους επόμενους .


MediaPost claims that Apple is poised to announce its "next big thing" on April 7th. The new product is reportedly called "iAd" and represents a "personalized, mobile advertising system".

The iAd system is believed to have been built on top of Quattro, a mobile ad firm that Apple acquired in January for $275 million. Few details are known but given Apple's recent success, many will be interested to see their next move:

"Everyone will be following this very closely," says Josh Lovison, the mobile lead at Interpublic's Emerging Media Lab, adding: "Given the way that Apple is able to package things up, with very slick presentations, it will be interesting to see what they do with that advertising."

The move would put them squarely up against Google which was largely built on advertising revenue and has had their own plans to move into the mobile space. In fact, Google's acquisition of Admob has been described as a defensive move to keep the company out of Apple's hands.

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Ελπίζω να μην είναι κάτι που θα σπάει @@. Έχουμε αρκετά τέτοιους @@σπάστες εκεί έξω. Για να δούμε...

Η λασπολογία τους δεν έχει όρια. Σαν την βλακεία σας ένα πράγμα...

Sales of Apple's new tablet computer are expected to exceed early iPhone sales and total Kindle sales to date.

BURLINGAME, CALIF. -- There is no greater joy in life than poking at Apple fanboys with the sharp end of a spreadsheet. Point out that iPod sales are sagging and they'll groan. Note that PCs crush Macs in corporate sales and they'll start grabbing pitchforks. Well, score another one for the fanboys: Apple's iPad is coming to kill us all.

And by "all" we mean those of us who have enjoyed tossing bricks at Apple for missing the netbook frenzy of the past two years. Investors are already betting iPad sales will exceed the other frenzy seen two years ago, when Apple sold 1.12 million iPhones during its first complete quarter of sales. In fact, in a little less than a year iPad unit sales are expected to exceed the estimated 3 million Kindles that have sold to date.

Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια εδώ.

Τι να πω πλέον; Ένα από τα πολλά άρθρα εκεί έξω που ΣΤΑ ΜΟΥΤΡΑ ΣΑΣ, σας λέει ότι πετάνε λάσπη και πέτρες σε οτιδήποτε έχει σχέση με την Apple.


Wake up Neo!


Άλπερτ Αϊνστάιν:
Δύο πράγματα είναι άπειρα: το σύμπαν και η ανθρώπινη ηλιθιότητα και δεν είμαι σίγουρος για το σύμπαν.

Ιαπωνικό τρέιλερ του Last Airbender

Τα σπάει λέμε!

Ο Steve Jobs και ο Eric Schmidt πίνουν καφέ στο Palo Alto

Jobs and Schmidt, whose companies have just ended their love affair, were spotted minutes ago talking business at Calafia in the Town and Country shopping center in Palo Alto. Update: That's not an iPad. And body language analysis, here.

Our tipster saw em and snapped these shots, and noted that the cafe is owned and operated by former Google chef Charlie Ayers. Overheard from the conversation were two lines by Jobs. Enthusiastically, "They're going to see it all eventually so who cares how they get it." Which seemed to be about web content, said the tipster. And, "Let's go discuss this somewhere more private," after they noticed the crowd gathering around. I think that was probably a wise move. Schmidt was very quiet, listening, and Jobs was doing a lot of the talking. What do you make of the body language? And what's that black thing on the table? Update: No, it's not an iPad. It's a menu. Tipster says the first thing he looked for was an iPad, and that isn't it.

The fact they'd meet in a neutral place like this implies, although does not prove, they chose a public place for its neutrality. Or they just wanted coffee and inevitably started talking shop, albeit in public. But since when do billionaires have to step out for coffee? The only thing that adds up is that neither felt comfortable meeting at each other's HQs, and this is the start of talks that will inevitably be tense for both sides.

I'd assume the coffee was not poisoned. And that they did not go somewhere to wrestle. [Thanks Tipster Z. Kudos on asking Jobs if he wanted to comment for Gizmodo, too, even if his reply was a smile and "No thanks."]

Διαβάστε το αυθεντικό άρθρο εδώ και παρατηρήστε τις φωτογραφίες.

Χμμμ. Λέτε να είναι συνάντηση για διαζύγιο ή για να τα βρούνε ξανά; Όχι τίποτα άλλο αλλά λέγεται πολύ ότι ο Steve Jobs αντί γι αυτό:

We did not enter the search business. They entered the phone business. Make no mistake they want to kill the iPhone. We won’t let them...

...I want to go back to that other question first and say one more thing: This don’t be evil mantra: “It’s bullshit.”


We did not enter the search business. They (Google Android/Chrome teams) entered the phone business. Make no mistake they (Google Android/Chrome teams) want to kill the iPhone. We won’t let them...

...I want to go back to that other question first and say one more thing: This don’t be evil mantra: “It’s bullshit.”

Αυτές είναι σαπουνόπερες! Όχι αυτά που δείχνουν στην TV (μπλιαχ).

Απ' ότι φαίνεται, έρχονται οι τσόντες σας στο iTunes Store

After nearly two years of criticism of its censorship of adult content in the iPhone App Store, Apple appears to be gearing up to sell explicit content for both the iPad and the iPhone and iPod touch.

Links to new "explicit software" categories in iTunes indicate that Apple plans to finally deliver adult content for both the iPad and for existing iPhone OS devices, segregated from other content with parental controls in the same way that iTunes has long sold music with explicit lyrics.

Over the last year, Apple refined a ratings system for App Store software titles that enables users to restrict the level of software that can be downloaded through their copy of iTunes.

Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια εδώ.

Τυχεράκηδες. Άντε καλά τάκα-τάκα. Λες και δεν το κάνατε έτσι κι αλλιώς.

Χαρά στα σκέλια σας βρε. Αρχίστε τα γλέντια. Βγείτε όλοι και κάντε παρελάσεις στους δρόμους. Η πραγματική για εσάς 25η Μαρτίου, ήρθε.

Άντε και καλά μπιπ-μπιπ!

Εσείς πια από τις 100+ εκδόσεις του Avatar είδατε;

Under a seemingly impossible deadline, more than 100 different delivery versions of "Avatar" -- an unprecedented number -- were created for the Dec. 18 day-and-date release in 102 countries. It was a herculean effort on the part of Fox, Lightstorm and key suppliers, notably Modern VideoFilm and Deluxe.

Further complicating the 3D portion of the mix, deliverables for the RealD 3D projection system involved a "ghostbusting" post process, and Dolby, Xpand and Master Image systems required nonghostbusted media. Additionally, DLP digital cinema and non-DLP digital cinema required separate versions.

In total, there were 18 different versions of "Avatar" created for the domestic market, plus an additional 92 for international markets, which were released in 47 languages. The international versions included more than 52 subtitled and 18 dubbed versions on film, 58 subtitled and 36 dubbed versions in digital 3D, nine subtitled and eight dubbed versions in digital 2D, and 23 subtitled and 15 dubbed versions for Imax.

To optimize the experience for different screens sizes, Cameron made the decision to complete the movie in three aspect ratios: Scope (2:39:1), flat (1:85:1) and Imax (1:43:1). "You are not going to see many directors releasing in different aspect ratios, as most pick their canvas and that is their format," Fox vp postproduction Steve Barnett says.

Adds Gagliano: "Jim wanted the biggest image possible. If you had a theater (where the biggest image possible meant using) movable masking that went up for flat, he preferred the theater run flat. If there was a theater that increased the size of the image by opening it side-to-side to accommodate scope, he wanted to run scope."

In some cases, a single multiplex required different versions for different auditorium configurations.

Creative decisions involving light levels also led to additional versions. 3D projection and glasses cut down the light the viewer sees, so "Avatar" also had separate color grades at different light levels, which are measured in foot lamberts.

"If we had just sent out one version of the movie, it would have been very dark (in the larger theaters)," Barnett says. "We had a very big flow chart with all of the different steps, so we could send the right media to the right theater."

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Να ένας άλλος λόγος γιατί ακόμη και Τιτάνες του μοντέρνου κινηματογράφου σαν τον Christopher Nolan αποφεύγουν ΑΚΟΜΗ τις πλήρες 3D ταινίες. Όχι δεν μιλάω σαν τα ψευτο-3D-παιχνιδάκια τύπου Clash of the Titans 3D. Μιλάω για τις αληθινές 3D ταινίες σαν το Avatar, που αποφεύγουν το 99.9% των κινηματογραφιστών, όπως ο Διάολος το λιβάνι.

Γι αυτό λέμε ο James Cameron έχει μεγάλα @@. Απλά είναι από τους πολύ λίγους που τολμούν και ζουν με το όλα ή τίποτα. Και γι αυτό σε Χαιρετώ James!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Η Google πληρώνει γιατί έτσι θα σας αρέσει

Wireless carriers don't just like Google's Android phones because they're the next best thing to Apple's iPhone: They also like Android because Google is paying them to like it.

PaidContent's Tricia Duryee reports reports that Google's deals with mobile carriers (and some phone makers) include an advertising revenue sharing agreement, provided they pre-install Google apps like Search, Maps, and GMail on phones. This should come as no surprise, given how long phone and PC companies have been paid to pre-install stuff. (Hello, free Prodigy trial?) MediaMemo's Peter Kafka adds that he hears it's a "substantial" revenue share.

Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια εδώ.

Μαθήματα από την Micro$oft παίρνει η Google. Πληρώνει και αγοράζει συνειδήσεις, γούστα και θέσεις στις ζωές των άλλων.

Αυτό που δεν ξέρει όμως είναι ότι όλα αυτά είναι προσωρινά μέχρι τον επόμενο καλοπληρωτή όπως επίσης και το γεγονός που έχει αποδείξει η Apple και συνεχίζει να αποδεικνύει: Η διαφήμιση και η προώθηση προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών είναι ένα κομμάτι του γρίφου που λέγεται αποδοχή από το αγοραστικό κοινό.

Όσο περνάει ο καιρός, όλο και περισσότερο φαίνεται το πόσο δίκιο είχε ο Steve Jobs για την Google:

We did not enter the search business. They entered the phone business. Make no mistake they want to kill the iPhone. We won’t let them...

...I want to go back to that other question first and say one more thing: This don’t be evil mantra: “It’s bullshit.”

Ο καλύτερος Web Designer στον κόσμο

I'm Ever Better Than the Ones Who are Dead!

Nobody ever asks me who the best web designers in the world is anymore. My answer is a foregone conclusion. However, I am now often asked, "Who is the world's second-best web designer?" Do I look like I give a damn? Here is a few other frequently asked question I've received by email or in person in last ten years.

What or Who Gives You Permission to Say You Are the Best Web Designer Alive?

When I build Rainfall Daffinson site in 2007, there was almost none minimalist sites around. At the moment, I don't give a damn for web design, so I take two years off. When I come back, what I saw is that all major world agencies moved to minimalist inspired by my work at Rainfall Daffinson. Take a look yourself: Wolf Ollins, RG/A, Saffron, Wieden+Kennedy, Landor, Edenspiekermann, AIGA New York,...

What Do You Think About Web Design in 2010?

Boring man with tie is always to be blame for bad design. Take a look some other well-known web design agency sites. They are all the same. Every "creative web design agency around passionately design beautifully beautiful websites". And that sucks! Destructive agency Rainfall Daffinson does ugly sites calm.

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Απίστευτος! Καυστικός και με περίσσιο δίκιο. Ο καλύτερος Web Designer; ΓΕΝΙΚΑ είναι ο καλύτερος!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ο Bill Murray έγινε μπάρμαν

Για λίγη ώρα ;)

Ότι και να παράγγελνε κάποιος, ο Θεός Bill Murray, του έβαζε Tequila :P


Κάποιοι άνθρωποι απλά το έχουν

Και από την άλλοι κάποιοι άλλοι είναι ΠΑΣΟΚ - ΝΔ, ΝΔ - ΠΑΣΟΚ, κλπ. επί 30+ χρόνια. Και λένε κι ευχαριστώ από πάνω.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Teaser!

Δείτε το teaser σε HD εδώ.


Δεν είναι τίποτα το ιδιαίτερο...

...από πλευρά παρουσίασης αλλά πάρτε μια γεύση από το Ubuntu Lucid Lynx Beta 1 (10.04)

Ubuntu Lucid Lynx Beta1 10.04 Demo (ZDNet) from Off The Broiler on Vimeo.

Άντε να βγει με το καλό το τρομερό και θαυμαστό Ubuntu 10.04!

Το έχω πει άπειρες φορές στο παρελθόν

Ότι κλειδώνει... Ξεκλειδώνει.

ΑΛΛΑ... Μην σκορπάτε ΚΛΑΣΣΙΚΑ ψέματα, φόβο, κλπ. γιατί ΔΕΝ σας παίρνει! Στου κρεμασμένου το σπίτι ΔΕΝ μιλάνε για σχοινί. Ή όπως λέει ο παλιός σοφός λαός: "Είπε ο γάιδαρος, τον πετεινό, κεφάλα"


In the upcoming days, some people will inevitably say “iPhone was hacked in 20 seconds” or “iPhone was first to be hacked,” implying that the Apple smartphone is the most insecure device tested at security contest Pwn2Own. However, most of these reports are conveniently missing the whole story.

Yes it happened. An exploit against the Apple iPhone was successful at Pwn2Own / CanSecWest 2010 today, on the first day of the hacker contest.

The press release goes: “Ralf-Philipp Weinmann (a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Luxembourg) and Vincenzo Iozzo (a researcher at zynamics) owned the iPhone at PWN2OWN today. A bug in Safari was exploited that extracted the SMS database from the phone and uploaded it to a server.”

Arstechnica wrote an article ahead of time titled: “iPhone will be first mobile device to fall at Pwn2Own 2010?” How did they know that?


Pwn2Own 2010 is a hacking contest. It tests popular OS, browsers, and software including Mac OS X, Windows for security. Hackers prepare pre-cooked exploits ahed of the contest to unleash. Prize for successful exploit is cash and the device that is pwned.

In exchange for the prize, the hackers essentially sell the exploit to the contest, which will inform the software maker, and release the details of the hack when the software is patched.

It’s a great idea with the goal of making software safer, but some sensational headlines and misleading myths have resulted from the contest, including:

Apple device is hacked in xyz seconds
Mac / iPhone is first to be hacked

Myth: Apple iPhone Hacked in 20 Seconds

The exploit was prepared ahead of time, it didn’t take only 20 seconds to write the exploit. Instead, it took weeks to prepare. Thus, saying iPhone was “hacked in 20 seconds” is misleading. It’s like claiming writing Mac OS X in 30 seconds because that’s how long it took Mac OS X to boot up.

Myth: Apple iPhone First to Be Hacked

Security experts: nothing in the world is 100% secure. That means pretty much everything at this security contest will be hacked.

Everbody knows that successful hacking of Microsoft Windows / Internet Explorer is to be expected (happens everyday in the real wold); therefore, exploits of Microsoft software will not gain many headlines.

However, Apple products are known to suffer almost no real life exploits. With that in mind, the Pwn2Own organizers scheduled Apple iPhone and Safari first in the contest, because it’ll get much more press coverage (instead of the business as usual reaction if a Microsoft product is hacked “first”).

Here’s the Pwn2Own 2010 contest schedule:

The Pwn2Own 2010 contest scheduled iPhone to the 1st and 8th slot of the day, Apple Safari browser second and third slot of the day. Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7 is the fourth and fifth slot.

Yellow journalism reports “Safari on Mac OS X was the first to fall.” Ignoring the fact that other browsers were not scheduled until later in the day.

Contest Bias Against Apple?

Out of 8 slots (total of 9 but #6 was “?”) of the first Pwn2Own day, the contest leans disproportionately toward Apple products.

First Day Contest Time Allocation:

50% Apple iPhone / Safari
25% Microsoft Windows 7, Internet Explorer 8
12.5% Nokia
12.5% Mozilla Firefox 4

Seems like the Pwn2Own contest organizer wants the “Apple hacked” headlines, as the following products are scheduled no time:

Not scheduled: Google Chrome
Not scheduled: RIM BlackBerry
Not scheduled: Motorola Droid
Not scheduled: Linux (missing from the contest)
Not scheduled: Windows Mobile (missing from the contest)

Perhaps Pwn2Own contest considers Google, RIM, Motorola, Linux, & Windows Mobile unimportant?

Microsoft Windows 7 / Mozilla Firefox Hacked

Microsoft Windows 7, Internet Explorer 8 Security

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer claims “Windows 7 is simple to use, responsive, and unobtrusively secure.” There are even some claims that Windows 7 is the most secure OS available. Well, it was hacked at Pwn2Own 2010.

Pwn2Own, thezdi [twitter], Zero Day Initiative:
“Peter Vreugdenhil (@WTFuzz) succeeded against Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7 with a technically impressive exploit bypassing DEP.”

DEP is the Microsoft “secure” Data Execution Prevention security measure.

Mozilla Firefox Most Secure Browser?

Some claim Mozilla Firefox is the most secure browser available.

Pwn2Own, thezdi, Zero Day Initiative:
“Nils from MWR InfoSecurity (@MWRLabs) succeeded against Firefox on Windows 7.”

Myth: Google Chrome “Not Hacked” At End of Contest First Day (Not Scheduled)

Google Chrome is not scheduled for the first day for some reason. Of course, someone will misinterpret it as Google Chrome browser is “still not hacked at the end of first day.”

Pwn2Own announced: “Wrapping up for the day. Chrome remains untested and therefore the only browser left standing.”

Yes, it does say “remains untested,” but the structure of the sentence could be easily misquoted as “Wrapping up for the day. Chrome … only browser left standing.” Again, Chrome was not tested, that’s why it’s still standing.

Smartphone Mobile Security

- 2009: malicious app that steals user information already happened, not a theoretical exploit. The malicious Android App was approved by the Android market few months ago.

RIM BlackBerry
- 2007: Symantec Security Response white paper by James O-Connor mentions: While BlackBerry has a “comprehensive inbuilt security framework at both device and server level it is still susceptible to a number of potential attacks.” That’s without involving “vulnerabilities in the BlackBerry device due to hardware, operating system or firmware bugs.”

Apple iPhone Security: 2007, 2008, 2009

iPhone was released in 2007. In as recent as the 2009 Pwn2Own, security experts failed to hack the Apple iPhone.

The zynamics report on the 2010 iPhone hack: “In 2009, researchers failed to compromise the iPhone, confounding general expectations.”


Of course, like Mozilla and Microsoft whose products are also hacked on the first day of Pwn2Own contest at CanSecWest, Apple should also improve its security. However, something is clear. Nothing is completely secure. Looks like no matter what software is scheduled first in the Pwn2Own contest, it is highly likely to be hacked.

Keep in mind, if the organizers scheduled Firefox first in the contest, Mozilla Firefox will be the “first to be hacked.” If the organizers scheduled Microsoft Windows 7 / Internet Explorer first in the contest, W7 / I.E. will be the “first to be hacked.” See the point? Saying Apple software is first to be hacked is a simple failure in reading comprehension.

The hacked in 20 seconds is also misleading. The exploit required weeks of planning, not 20 seconds.

Did the PC Pundits say how many seconds it took to hack Windows 7? What about how long it took to hack Firefox on Windows 7? How about the number of real world exploits against Windows?

Διαβάστε το αυθεντικό άρθρο εδώ.

Και λίγα λέει το άρθρο. Λίγα λέει. Είναι ΠΟΛΥ μεγαλύτερη η πουστιά που κρύβεται κάτω από όλα αυτά. Αλλά μην σας δώσω όλο το φαγητό με το κουτάλι. Φάτε και λίγο μόνοι σας.

Despicable Me

Τα σπάει!

Γι αυτούς που δεν τα πάνε καλά με τα ονόματα των ηθοποιών κάντε κλικ εδώ για να μάθετε ποιος είναι ο Steve Carell ή αλλιώς ο Κακός της παραπάνω ταινίας :D

Ο Τιτάνας Shigeru Miyamoto, μίλησε!

Shigeru Miyamoto, the creative force behind many of Nintendo’s biggest gaming franchises, including Mario and Zelda, was in London this month to receive an award from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts. He talked to Babbage about the state of the industry, where the next wave of innovation will come from, and the early days of the Wii, among other things. Perhaps most striking was his suggestion that the drop in sales of video games in 2009 compared with 2008 (down 6.3% worldwide, according to Screen Digest) might simply have been due to an inferior crop of games, rather than the recession. After all, 2008 was a particularly good year for the industry, and thus a hard act to follow. Mr Miyamoto also explained that he first realised the Wii would be a hit when Nintendo’s elderly board members, who were not gamers, took to the console when it was presented in a board meeting. The transcript is below. (Mr Miyamoto spoke via an interpreter.)

Διαβάστε την ΠΟΛΥ ενδιαφέρον συνέντευξη του ΤΙΤΑΝΑ των βιντεοπαιχνιδιών εδώ.

Όταν μιλάνε τέτοιοι Τιτάνες, εμείς οι υπόλοιποι απλά προσπαθούμε να καταλάβουμε για τι πράγμα μιλάνε. Οι υπόλοιποι δήθεν "ειδικοί" απλά αντιγράφουν τέτοιους Τιτάνες και παίρνουν και τα εύσημα στο τέλος.

Επειδή, ο Shigeru Miyamoto δε νιώθει κανέναν και τίποτα απλά μας πάει μπροστά με μία μόνο απαίτηση. Αγοράστε ΚΑΙ Nintendo υλικό και παιχνίδια. ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΑ για το καλό μας.

Όποιος δεν έχει παίξει ποτέ στη ζωή του μία δημιουργία της Nintendo, απλά δεν έχει παίξει ποτέ στη ζωή του!

Στα τσακίδια τα πυρηνικά όπλα

WASHINGTON — The United States and Russia have broken a logjam in arms control negotiations and expect to sign a treaty next month to slash their nuclear arsenals to the lowest levels in half a century, officials in both nations said Wednesday.

After months of deadlock and delay, the two sides have agreed to lower the limit on deployed strategic warheads by more than one-quarter and launchers by half, the officials said. The treaty will impose a new inspection regime to replace one that lapsed in December, but will not restrict American plans for missile defense based in Europe.

President Obama and President Dmitri A. Medvedev of Russia plan to talk Friday to complete the agreement, but officials said they were optimistic that the deal was nearly done. The two sides have begun preparing for a signing ceremony in Prague on April 8, timing it to mark the anniversary of Mr. Obama’s speech in the Czech capital outlining his vision for eventually ridding the world of nuclear weapons.

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Όλα τα όπλα γενικά! iStaTsakidia

Για να δούμε. Θα το πράξουν κάποια στιγμή ή θα μας ζαλίζουν για πολλές δεκαετίες ακόμη;

2009 = Η χειρότερη χρονιά για τις εφημερίδες

It’s Official: 2009 Was Worst Year for the Newspaper Business in Decades

It’s no surprise that 2009 was the worst year the newspaper business has had in decades, but the scale of the damage, shown in figures released Wednesday by the Newspaper Association of America, is stunning.

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Μη στενοχωριέστε. Το iPad θα σας σώσει κι εσάς. Έτσι είναι. Το Διαδίκτυο δεν σας άρεσε. Καλά να πάθετε.

Το Google/HTC Nexus One έχει χειρότερη οθόνη από το iPhone

In two recent comparisons of the Nexus One's famed AMOLED screen to the iPhone's LCD screen, one done by a display testing company and another done by a blogger, the Google phone's display actually came out the loser. Most of the online debate that followed the two articles was centered around color accuracy, color quantization artifacts, viewing angle, etc., with Google's defenders arguing that the numbers don't tell the full story because you have to take human perception and the human visual system into account, among other factors. But a related, and potentially even bigger issue, hasn't been investigated as thoroughly as the others. Specifically, despite the fact that both Google and HTC have repeatedly claimed that the Nexus One's display is 480x800 pixels in size (252 pixels per inch), the actual effective screen resolution may be substantially less than that, depending on how you count the pixels.

Sorting out the real resolution of the Nexus One's screen is much more than a minor technical exercise, because a lot of Nexus One buyers (myself included) based their purchasing decision at least in part on the amazing-sounding screen resolution, and many of us were disappointed in the lack of crispness of text. It's also worth noting that the next-generation iPhone is rumored to use the same AMOLED technology as the Nexus One, and AMOLED will become the standard on many or most high-end Android phones in the near future—will all of these upcoming AMOLEDs take this same shortcut with their resolution?

In this article, I'll explore the issue of the Nexus One's screen resolution in some detail. I'll also talk a bit about the science behind how the screen works, and I'll show you some cool image hacks that let you turn greyscale images into color, just by using pinch-and-zoom in the Nexus One's gallery application.

Note: We offered a Google a chance to comment on the issues raised in this article, but we received no reply as of press time.

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Το έχουμε πει και στο παρελθόν και θα το λέμε συνέχεια: Τα pixels και η τεχνολογία μιας οθόνης είναι ένα ΜΟΝΟ κομμάτι του γρίφου που λέγεται ποιότητα και απόδοση. Νιώστε το.

Και ΝΑΙ το Google/HTC Nexus One έχει χειρότερη οθόνη από το iPhone. Ξεπεράστε το.

Και το υποστηρίζει HTML5 από στιγμή σε στιγμή

With the imminent arrival of the Apple iPad, it seems at least one major television network is updating their website to provide video playback support for new tablet device -- without Flash.'s website began displaying a couple of strange "iPad - test" video links, first noted by The Other Mac Blog.

We investigated further and found that clicking on these "iPad" labeled links in your normal desktop browser brings you to the usual Flash versions of these videos. Of course, these wouldn't properly play on the Apple iPad due to Apple's well known decision not to support Flash. However, if you visit using the iPad SDK Simulator or spoofing your browser's User-Agent to impersonate an iPad, you are sent to a different version of the video:

This new version of the video does not yet work but appears to be based on HTML5. The css files reference HTML5 and have a number of "webkit" specific calls. Webkit is the browser engine used in the iPad's mobile safari. While the videos don't currently play, the "fullscreen mode" reportedly already works in the iPad simulator.

Apple has been a strong proponent of HTML5 and has suggested it as an alternative solution to Flash. It appears at least one major network will be supporting HTML5 alongside Flash video to deliver their content at iPad launch.

Διαβάστε το αυθεντικό άρθρο εδώ.

Έχετε γεια Adobe Flash και Micro$oft Silverlight. Χαμός θα γίνει.

Όχι βέβαια ότι θα χαθεί το Flash μέσα σε μια μέρα. Αλλά θα δυσκολέψουν τα πράγματα για το Flash και τους οπαδούς του.

Ευτυχώς, γιατί μας έχουν κρατήσει πίσω 10 χρόνια στο Διαδίκτυο.

The Last Airbender

Άντε να βγει και αυτή η απαίσια ταινία :P


Μην με ρωτάτε πως, τι και γιατί. Απλά, καλή σας διασκέδαση!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Το iPad θα μας κάνει να διαβάζουμε(;) πιο εύκολα

The more we learn about the Apple (AAPL) iPad, the more excited everyone seems to be about the some of its flashier talents: killer accessories, brilliant games and the like. But what’s most disruptive about the iPad and its competitors is that they will goad us into reading more.

When it happens, this uptick in reading will be about as salient a behavioral change as we’ve ever ascribed to a technological device — especially if you remember back to the 1980s and 1990s, when common knowledge held the opposite: that we were all quite slowly becoming soporific, TV-guzzling stooges. And it will happen because, for the first time in 600 years, reading will have finally gotten easier.

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Αμήν και πότε! Ελπίζω το συντομότερο δυνατόν.

Τι έχουν να δουν τα μάτια μας και να ακούσουν τα αυτιά μας στα επόμενα χρόνια; Πάρτε ένα μικρό δείγμα:

VIV Mag Interactive Feature Spread - iPad Demo from Alexx Henry on Vimeo.

Τεχνολογίες που προώθησε η Apple στο ευρύ κοινό

Five Technologies in the mainstream, thanks to Apple

If imitation is the biggest from of flattery, Apple should stand above all others in feeling the love. Or maybe in justifiably declaring, "Bite me!" The company has a way of taking cool ideas, improving upon them and sending its competitors on the chase to play catch up. Here are five examples of technologies that Apple moved to the mainstream -- some of which Apple did not invent.

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Φυσικά η μεγαλύτερη μαγκιά της Apple είναι αυτό που λέει και στο τέλος του παραπάνω άρθρου: Να αφήνει πίσω παλιές/άχρηστες τεχνολογίες.

ΚΑΙ γι αυτό, σ' ευχαριστούμε Apple!

Κλεμμένο υλικό από το Iron Man 2


Η έκπτωση του ανθρώπινου είδους

Έτσι ακριβώς!

Κινέζοι VS Μπαμπά Inc., the world's largest domain name registration company, told lawmakers Wednesday that it will cease registering Web sites in China in response to intrusive new government rules that require applicants to provide extensive personal data, including photographs of themselves.

The rules, the company believes, are an effort by China to increase monitoring and surveillance of Web site content and could put individuals who register their sites with the firm at risk. The company also believes the rules will have a "chilling effect" on new domain name registrations.

GoDaddy's move follows Google's announcement Monday that it will no longer censor search results on its site in China. Analysts and human rights advocates have warned that China's insistence on censorship and control over information is becoming a serious barrier to trade.

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Αυτά είναι! Τώρα, ή έχουν μεγάλα κότσια οι Google και GoDaddy ή τρελός παπάς τους βάφτισε.

Θα δείξει στα επόμενα χρόνια.

Γιατί μην ξεχνάμε ότι μπορεί ο μέσος Κινέζος να είναι φτωχός αλλά είναι και 1+ δισεκατομμύριο από αυτούς.

Για να δούμε τι θα δούμε.

Κολλήστε ιούς, σκουλήκια, κλπ. από τις Yahoo!, Google, κα.

(PRAGUE, Czech Republic, March 16) Researchers at ALWIL Software, providers of the avast! antivirus program, have discovered a widespread campaign to infect website advertisements served up on leading online advertising services.

The attack infects advertisements served up by a number of online advertisers, helping place malware on the computers of people visiting leading websites such as Google and Yahoo.

The most compromised services are (Yahoo) and (FOX Audience Network) which cover more than 50% of online ads. The list of poisoned ad services is extensive and includes,,,, and, an advertising server affiliated with Google, is ranked fifth in the avast! Virus Lab list of infected servers by rate of infection.

“The poison ad infiltration method is growing in popularity because it does not require users to click on anything,” explains Jiri Sejtko, avast! Senior Virus Analyst. “Users can get infected just by reading their favorite newspaper or by doing a search on popular topics; the infection begins just after the poisoned ad is loaded by the browser.”

Avast! Virus Labs have named this attack vector JS:Prontexi. It is a JavaScript code which acts as a channel for malware attacks on vulnerable software such as Adobe and a range of zero-day exploits.

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Πολύ καλή φάση. Έτσι; Άντε να δούμε πότε θα διορθωθούν οι αδιόρθωτοι. Βασικά οι ίδιες οι διαφημίσεις είναι ιοί, σκουλήκια, κλπ. Αλλά καλά να πάθουμε. Αφού είμαστε ζώα.

Περαστικά μας.

Για σας που μας πρήξατε τα συκώτια

για τον τρισάθλιο Micro$oft Messenger για Mac, που θέλατε να έχετε βίντεο επαφές, με τους Windows Micro$oft Messenger "φίλους" σας, ήρθε η ώρα.

Κατεβάστε από εδώ, τον Micro$oft Messenger 8 beta για Mac.

Θεωρητικά, θα έχετε βίντεο επαφές με όλους τους Windows "φίλους" και "γνωστούς".

Καλή σας "διασκέδαση".

This is a beta version.

Microsoft Messenger is an integrated communications client that enables you to communicate with contacts within and outside your organization. Messenger for Mac 7 is a Universal application that is built to run on both PowerPC-based and Intel-based Macs and makes it easy to take advantage of the full power of real-time communications.

Version 8.0.0:

  • Introduces the much anticipated audio/video feature for personal users with a Windows Live account.
  • You can now use your personal account for face-to-face interactions with family, friends, and coworkers by using Messenger for Mac or Windows Live Messenger.

Mac OS X 10.5 or later.

Για όλους τους υπόλοιπους που απλά θέλετε το καλύτερο και μπορείτε να το έχετε με τους πραγματικούς σας φίλους, συνεργάτες και συγγενείς, κατεβάστε από εδώ το ΠΟΛΥ ανώτερο Skype.

Το iPad ΔΕΝ είναι μόνο για χαβαλέ

Business demand for the iPad may be greater than expected. Companies and workers are buying the tablet to use it for communications and mobile productivity

Jim Turner has bought 15 iPads that he'll get in April, when Apple (AAPL) starts shipping the tablet-style computer designed for book reading, game playing, and video viewing. Yet Turner won't be using the iPad for entertainment.

"It's for business," says Turner, who runs Hilltop Consultants, a provider of information technology services to law firms and other companies in the Washington (D.C.) area. Turner says he'll use the computer for checking e-mail on the go and taking notes while setting up client computer systems.

The iPad, billed by Apple executives as a digital book reader, video player, and gaming platform, isn't just for fun and games. Many companies and employees are buying the iPad to use it as a tool for business-related communications and keeping employees productive while they're on the go, says Charlie Wolf, an analyst at Needham & Co. "Clearly, the iPad has a role to play in the business market," says Wolf, who has a buy rating on Apple stock. "The demand appears to be far more diverse than I originally expected."

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Όπως το έχω πει και θα το λέω για πολλά χρόνια ακόμη, το iPad είναι το μέλλον της πληροφορικής. Βάλτε το καλά στο μυαλό σας.

Τα σπάει η Apple λέμε! Ξανά και ξανά και ξανά!

Apple's integrated hardware and software system make it the most valuable PC maker in the world, according to a research note from Deutsche Bank.

Deutsche Bank assembled the revenue and operating profits of the top ten PC makers in the world. It then charted which companies are capturing the greatest share of the pie to determine which PC maker is capturing the most value.

While Apple has just 7% of the share of revenue, it's grabbing 35% of the operating profit. Deutsche Bank attributes it to the strength of the Mac/MacBook lineup. Other companies are losing profit margins because they have to pay Microsoft for software.

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Με λίγα λόγια, ενώ είναι πολύ μικρότερη εταιρία από τους ανταγωνιστές της, κερδίζει πολλά περισσότερα.

Το κόλπο; Απλό! Η ίδια εταιρία κάνει ότι γουστάρει σε υλικό και λογισμικό χωρίς να έχει άλλους νταβατζήδες τύπου Micro$oft στο κεφάλι της.

Go Apple! Go Apple! GO!

Ας μου πει κάποιος ότι αυτό είναι μέρος του CS5

Ο Χριστός και η Παναγία!

Α Π Ι Σ Τ Ε Υ Τ Ο !!!

Το θέλω... ΧΘΕΣ!

Δώστε μου το Adobe Creative Studio 5, τώρα!

iPad: Ο Νέος Κόσμος

I need to talk to you about computers. I’ve been on a veritable roller-coaster of “how I feel” about the iPad announcement, and trying not to write about it until I had at least an inkling of what was at the root of that.

Before we begin, a reminder: On this blog, I speak only for myself, not for my company or my co-workers.

The thing is, to talk about specific hardware (like the iPad or iPhone or Nexus One or Droid) is to miss entirely the point I’m about to try to make. This is more important than USB ports, GPS modules, or front-facing cameras. Gigabytes, gigahertz, megapixels, screen resolution, physical dimensions, form factors, in fact hardware in general — these are all irrelevant to the following discussion. So, I’m going to try to completely avoid talking about those sorts of things.

Let’s instead establish some new terminology: Old World and New World computing.


Personal computing — having a computer in your house (or your pocket) — as a whole is young. As we know it today, it’s less than a half-century old. It’s younger than TV, younger than radio, younger than cars and airplanes, younger than quite a few living people in fact.

In that really incredibly short space of time we’ve gone from punchcards-and-printers to interactive terminals with command lines to window-and-mouse interfaces, each a paradigm shift unto themselves. A lot of thoughtful people, many of whom are bloggers, look at this history and say, “Look at this march of progress! Surely the desktop + windows + mouse interface can’t be the end of the road? What’s next?”

Then “next” arrived and it was so unrecognizable to most of them (myself included) that we looked at it said, “What in the shit is this?”

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Πολύ καλός. Πολύ καλός. Πολύ καλός. Και λίγα λέει.

Πάνω από 15-20 χρόνια τώρα ο Παλιός Κόσμος της δήθεν πληροφορικής μας έχει καταστρέψει. ΟΧΙ ΑΛΛΟ ΚΑΡΒΟΥΝΟ.

Καλώς ήρθατε στο Νέο Κόσμο. Εμπρός στον κόσμο που χαράζει η Apple. Όσοι πιστοί...

Οι κολλημένοι με τις The Twilight Saga ταινίες

Δεν αγαπάνε τις σόλο καριέρες της Bella και του Edward σε ΜΗ Twilight ταινίες.

Twilight fans are so rabid that you expect them to turn out to help Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart open their non-Twilight films out of loyalty or dumb curiosity. And yet Remember Me, starring RPattz as an NYU student coping with life and love in a year of global tragedy, opened soft last week and crashed a massive 60 percent in its second weekend. That bites, even though Pattinson didn't.

As for Kristen Stewart, the once and future Bella Swan won decent reviews for playing female rock pioneer Joan Jett in The Runaways. And still the film barely grossed $1 million in its debut. On the other hand, audiences turned out $21 million worth to see Jennifer Aniston spar with Gerard Butler in the abysmally unfunny Bounty Hunter. How has Friends inspired Aniston fealty so far beyond its sell-by date?

Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια εδώ.

Μην απορείτε το γιατί βρε. Απλά είναι τα πράγματα. Τα "παιδιά" αυτά δεν είναι ηθοποιοί. Απλά έτυχε και τους βάλανε να παίξουν σε ταινίες που ήδη είχανε κάψει πολλά κορίτσια και πολλές γυναίκες στα βιβλία. Στο καπάκι τα βάζουν χωριστά να παίξουν σε χάλια ταινίες. Τι περιμένατε δηλαδή;

Μην μασάτε όμως! Στην Έκλειψη θα τα οικονομήσουν πάλι όπως επίσης θα κλαίνε και θα γελάνε εκατομμύρια κορίτσια και γυναίκες σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο.

Τα χώνει ο James Cameron

Asked by THR if he felt the right wing's attacks against him were continuing, Cameron replied: "They're not attacks. They're just people ranting away, lost in their little bubbles of reality, steeped in their own hatred, their own fear and hatred. That's where it all comes from. Let's just call it out. Let's have a public discussion. That's what movies are supposed to do, you know, you can have a mindless entertainment film that doesn't affect anybody. I wasn't interested in that."

The "Avatar" director was equally unsparing in his comments about those who don't accept global warming as fact.

"That's right," Cameron said. "I want to call those deniers out into the street at high noon and shoot it out with those boneheads."

Turning more serious, he added: "Anybody that is a global-warming denier at this point in time has got their head so deeply up their ass I'm not sure they could hear me."

By making the environment the theme of his home video release plan, Cameron is sending a message.

"Look, at this point I'm less interested in making money for the movie and more interested in saving the world that my children are going to inhabit. How about that? I mean look, I didn't make this movie with these strong environmental anti-war themes in it to make friends on the right, you know.

"They're not on my Christmas card list," Cameron added. "It's not going to change my lifestyle at all if they don't talk to me. But you know they've got to live in this world too. And their children do as well, so they're going to have to be answerable to this at some point."

Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια εδώ.

Και λίγα λέει. Είμαστε στην κυριολεξία, ο κόσμος καίγεται και το μπικίνι ξυρίζεται, σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο.

Χειρότεροι από τα ζώα έχουμε γίνει. Χώσε James. ΧΩΣΕ!

Τα σπάει το Avatar και όποιος δεν κατάλαβε τι είδε να πάει να κεντήσει την προίκα του. iStaTsakidia.

Ντεμέκ multitouch αντίπαλοι του iPhone

Robot Touchscreen Analysis from MOTO Development Group on Vimeo.

MOTO Labs tests the sensitivity and resolution of current smartphone touchscreens such as the iPhone, the Google Nexus One, the Motorola Droid, the Palm Pre, and the Blackberry Storm 2.

For more on this story, go to

Είμαστε η Google και μπορούμε να σας σκοτώσουμε!

Αχαχαχαχαχα. Καταστρέφει!

Έρχεται το Adobe Creative Studio 5

Counting down to your first look at CS5

Join us online for the exclusive global launch of Adobe Creative Suite 5

Monday, April 12, 2010 at 8am PDT / 11am EDT / 5pm CEST

Δείτε την ειδική σελίδα της Adobe για το CS5 εδώ.

Για να δούμε. Θα είναι πλέον ισάξιες οι εκδόσεις των Windows με των Mac ή @@;

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ελπίζω η Apple να επιτρέψει το Opera Mini 5 στο iPhone

Τα χώνει η Opera και καλά κάνει.

Ο ανταγωνισμός εφόσον είναι καθαρός ΜΟΝΟ καλό κάνει σε όλους μας.

Μπράβο στην Opera!

Google VS Apple

Πληκτρολογώντας "why do iphone" στην και ΟΧΙ κάπου αλλού, παρατηρούμε ότι αναφέρονται στα αποτελέσματα ΜΟΝΟ πιθανά προβλήματα του iPhone. Τίποτα θετικό.

Πληκτρολογώντας "why do droid" ή "why do nexus" ΑΚΡΙΒΩΣ στην ίδια σελίδα, ΔΕΝ βγαίνει τίποτα. Ούτε αρνητικό. Ούτε θετικό.

Βρε τη Google. Μετά σου λέει δεν έχει δίκιο ο Steve Jobs που τους βρίζει, είναι αθώα η Google και να πεθάνει η Apple και τα προϊόντα της.


Διαβάστε το αυθεντικό άρθρο εδώ.

Δεν είμαι καλλιτέχνης

Είσαι ρε παλίκαρε. Είσαι και φαίνεσαι λέμε!

Δείτε οπωσδήποτε την ιστοσελίδα και παίξτε μαζί της. Καλλιτέχνης, έτσι;

Τρομερό αυτό το Natal βρε παιδί μου

Some advice for any Xbox 360 owners thinking ahead to the launch of Microsoft's Project Natal later this year: You might want to see if you'll need to reconfigure your living room. After all, the motion-sensing control system is no sit-on-the-couch experience. You'll need some space to move your body and swing your arms without banging into the coffee table.

To be precise, you'll want to clear an area extending at least 4 meters (a little more than 13 feet) away from the television. That's the back edge of the space to be taken into account by the Natal sensors. In terms of width and height, the field of vision naturally expands as it moves from the Natal device to that back edge, ending up a little more than 4 meters wide and 2.7 meters high (about 8 feet, 10 inches).

Those were among the tidbits passed along by representatives of the Natal team during a briefing for a group of reporters and bloggers Monday on the company's Redmond campus. The session was part of a day-long technology discussion held by Craig Mundie, the company's chief research and strategy officer.

Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια εδώ.

Μάλιστα. Τέσσερα μέτρα. Μεταξύ της τηλεόρασης και του κολλημένου ζώον με την Micro$oft ΝΤΕΜΕΚ gamer. Για να είναι καλή η αλληλεπίδραση λέει.

Προφανώς δεν είδανε τίποτα οι τύποι εκεί στη Micro$oft από το Nintendo Wii ή το Sony PS3 Move. Όταν σας λέω εγώ ότι είναι ζώα εκεί στη Micro$oft και ακόμη μεγαλύτερα ζώα είστε εσείς που ασχολείστε με τα προϊόντα τους, μην προσπαθείτε να μας τη βγείτε και από πάνω.


Πάνω τους Sony. Καταβρόχθισε τους, όλους τους Micro$oft τύπους. Αχαμπάριστοι είναι έτσι και αλλιώς.

Η Google την κοπάνησε από την Κίνα;

It's not quite the ceasing of operations that the local papers were reporting last week, but Google has announced today what it's calling an "entirely legal" way of giving mainland China unfiltered search results. The domain now redirects to its Hong Kong servers via, providing uncensored access in traditional and simplified Chinese. Needless to say, any mainland Google China servers have thus been given an early retirement. "We very much hope that the Chinese government respects our decision, though we are well aware that it could at any time block access to our services," writes David Drummond, SVP of Corporate Development and Chief Legal Officer, on the official Google Blog, while also noting to expect some slowdown while the HK servers deal with an expanded load of users. As for its men and women on the ground, Google reiterates that these decisions were driven by executives in the U.S. "and that none of [its] employees in China can, or should, be held responsible for them." R&D work will continue on the mainland, and a sales presence will remain. The company has created a "China service availability" page, promised to be updated daily, for seeing what parts of Google's business are being blocked by the country at any given time -- as of today, that includes Youtube, Google Sites, Blogger, and partial blocks of Docs, Picasa, and Groups. We're very curious to see how the page'll look in tomorrow's update.

Update: China has given its own response, in English, saying that Google has "violated its written promise." An official for the State Council Information Office goes on to say, " This is totally wrong. We're uncompromisingly opposed to the politicization of commercial issues, and express our discontent and indignation to Google for its unreasonable accusations and conducts." More details via Xinhuanet.

Update 2: The White House has chimed in. "We are disappointed that Google and the Chinese government were unable to reach an agreement that would allow Google to continue operating its search services in China on its website," said National Security Council spokesman Mike Hammer. More via Yahoo! News.

Update 3: The New York Times sat down, briefly, with Google co-founder Sergey Brin for a few elaborations on today's events. For starters, Brin noted that the new policy was entirely Google's idea, and the US government was not involved in any way. He also silenced whispers that Google would be releasing software for bypassing censorship. "I think those tools are going to come of their own accord. I don't think we have to do anything," he said.

Διαβάστε το αυθεντικό άρθρο εδώ.

Ρε την Google. Από εδώ το πήγε. Από εκεί το πήγε. Πάλι το δικό της έκανε. Ντεμέκ Κινέζικο κράτος. Ντεμέκ μεγάλη δύναμη. Google ρε!

Αυτά είναι σαπουνόπερες. Lost και τρίχες κατσαρές. Αυτές είναι σειρές που αξίζει να παρακολουθείς για μια ζωή.

Πάμε για τη δεύτερη σεζόν!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Εκτός από τα πούρα, του αρέσουν και τα Apple προϊόντα

Μιλάω φυσικά για τον Bill Clinton. Είναι από τους πρώτους που πίστεψαν στο Διαδίκτυο κι έκαναν τ' αδύνατα, δυνατά για να το έχει στα χέρια του ΟΛΟΣ ο κόσμος!

Πολύ ενδιαφέρον συνέντευξη. Δείτε την ολόκληρη. Ότι συμβαίνει στο Αμέρικα, είναι θέμα χρόνου να έρθει και στο Ελλάντα.

Φάτε έναν Windows μαλάκα επικών διαστάσεων

Jason asked me to riff on his iPad fear-and-loathing article from a political and government perspective. I agreed, because this is an important issue, and, as a plus, it’s always fun baiting the Apple fans.
Before I get started, a moment of disclosure. I am a registered iPhone and iPad developer. I’ve written and published 40 iPhone applications. And while I don’t expect to be writing anything for the iPad anytime soon, I could get a wild hair up my butt and suddenly decide I need to program for the iPhone again.

That’s not particularly likely, because programming for the iPhone or iPad requires using Objective C, which is an extremely unpleasant experience. If you’re a real programmer and suddenly have to program in Objective C, it’s like you’re Alice and you’ve just been dropped down a hole where everything’s more Bizarro World than normal. Ugh. It gives me shivers.

Worse, to program the iPhone and iPad, you actually have to use a Mac, which is another wholly painful experience I’m just not ready to subject myself to again any time soon.

Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια εδώ.

Έχουμε και λέμε: Δημοσιογράφος-Προγραμματιστής-Μπήχτης της Micro$oft ψαρώνει Mac χρήστες. Προσπαθεί να μας πείσει ότι είναι δύσκολο το να προγραμματίζεις για iPhone, Mac, κλπ. Και τέλος το κερασάκι στην τούρτα είναι το να προσπαθεί να μας πείσει ότι το Mac είναι κάτι δύσκολο στη χρήση.

Μάλιστα. Άλλος ένας τρομερός "ειδικός" της πληροφορικής.

Δεν θα πω τίποτα άλλο, παρά μόνο μία λέξη: ΜΕΓΑΛΟΣ ΜΑΛΑΚΑΣ! Ή αυτό είναι δύο λέξεις;

Χάνει κι άλλο μερίδιο ο Internet Explorer στην Ευρώπη

HELSINKI (Reuters) - Microsoft's Internet Explorer has lost market share in major European markets, such as France, Britain and Italy, after the U.S. software firm started to make it easier for European consumers to use competing browsers.

Microsoft's pledge to allow easier access to rival browsers in Windows by the middle of May, ended a long antitrust dispute with the European Union.

The company has started to send a choice screen, where consumers can easily click on rival browsers, to almost 200 million old and new computers.

According to web statistics firm Statcounter, Internet Explorer's share of all Web surfing has in March dropped in France by 2.5 percentage points from February, in Britain by 1 percentage point and in Italy by 1.3 points.

Norway's Opera Software, the fourth largest browser firm, has seen downloads more than double in Europe from normal levels due to the choice screen, with downloads in Italy, Spain and Poland more than tripling.

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Κάλλιο αργά, παρά ποτέ βρε. Μπράβο σας! Είδατε που μπορείτε τελικά; Βάλτε και άλλο λογισμικό στη ζωή σας. Σταματήστε αυτή τη βλακεία με τα σαβουρολογισμικά της Micro$oft. ΔΕΝ είναι δύσκολο. Αντιθέτως θα σας αρέσει όσο ΔΕΝ μπορείτε να φανταστείτε.

Το iPad θα σκοτώσει τα NetBooks;

The iPad and likeminded tablets have the potential to introduce a new paradigm for personal computer that just might kill the netbook space altogether.

I speak with a number of folks in Taipei who build parts for leading PC companies, including Dell, HP, and Acer. Many of them have asked me the same question: could the iPad kill netbooks? The reason for their concern is clear—at present, about 40 million netbooks are sold a year. A major decline in that number could have a huge effect on their business.

When answering this question, I point out that most market forecasters believe that the netbook market has already peaked, and it will gradually decline over the next few year. This prediction is anchored in the fact that mainstream laptops are getting thinner, lighter, smaller, and cheaper. They're already encroaching on the netbook space. The ideal small computer for most consumers has a 12 or 13 inch screen, full-sized keyboard, weighs less than three pounds, and is priced below $700. Netbooks will continue to be cheaper, but they are well known for their limited functionality. Most PC manufacturers believe that they can persuade consumers to "upgrade" to ultra thins. Netbooks won't go away completely, but the space will certainly decrease in popularity over time.

But the iPad and other tablets may become a major disruptor in mobile computing. If manufacturers get things right, the world of mobile computing may change rapidly. Sure we have had commercially available tablets for more than 20 years now, and all have failed to catch on in a major way. Still, we have never seen a tablet quite like the iPad before. Apple's device has an elegant ecosystem of hardware and software and an easy-to-use multi-touch interface.

Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια εδώ.

Δεν ξέρω αν θα τα σκοτώσει ή όχι. Πως μπορείς να σκοτώσεις κάτι που δεν υπάρχει; Εγώ από την πρώτη στιγμή είπα ότι για μένα αυτά τα προϊόντα δεν υπάρχουν. Στην κυριολεξία. Είναι σαν τα ρούχα του Αυτοκράτορα. Βλέπω ξεκάθαρα ότι δεν υφίστανται. Δεν πάτε να αγοράζετε και 80 εκατομμύρια NetBooks; Είναι σαν τα Windows και το Office. ΔΕΝ ΥΠΑΡΧΟΥΝ αυτά τα προϊόντα για μένα.

Είναι από τα χειρότερα προϊόντα που έχει παράγει η πληροφορική τα τελευταία χρόνια μαζί με τα Windows, το Office και όλα τα υπόλοιπα προϊόντα της Micro$oft. Αρνούμαι να τα δουλέψω για προσωπική ή εταιρική χρήση. Ακόμη και για ένα δευτερόλεπτο.

Ελάτε. Πείτε την αλήθεια. Και σεις δεν τα γουστάρετε. Πείτε την αλήθεια. Στον καθρέφτη. Δεν χρειάζεται πουθενά αλλού.

Το iPad θα αλλάξει την πληροφορική, όχι τη ζωή σας;

The first time you walk into an Apple Store and pick up an iPad, you’ll understand the hype: Apple has managed to create a beautiful, thoughtfully designed, compelling product in a space where mediocrity was, until now, status quo. But odds are you probably won’t buy one — at least not yet. And that’s OK.

Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια εδώ.

Ε ναι. Όποιο ζώο δεν το αγοράσει. Ή όποιος φτωχός δεν μπορεί να το αγοράσει. Λογικό είναι. Αλλά σίγουρα κόσμος θα προσπαθήσει να το κλέψει. Να το αγοράσει με δόσεις. Να το χαϊδέψει. Να το χαζέψει. Να το χάσει. Να το βρει. Να του γίνει εμμονή. Κλπ.

Σίγουρα πάντως θα αλλάξει τη ζωή ΟΛΩΝ όπως επίσης και την πληροφορική.

Πάρτε παράδειγμα το iMac, το iPod, το iPhone. Κόσμος και κοσμάκης τα βρίζει και τα καταριέται. Αλλά περισσότερο από ποτέ, ΟΛΕΣ οι αντίστοιχες συσκευές, μοιάζουν με τα προϊόντα της Apple, όχι μόνο στην εμφάνιση αλλά και στον τρόπο χρήσης.

Θέλετε ή όχι, σας αρέσει ή όχι, τα προϊόντα της Apple αλλάζουν ΟΛΟ τον πλανήτη. Καλώς ή κακώς. Ξεπεράστε το. Ακόμη και αν δεν καταλαβαίνετε το γιατί. Αυτό είναι δικό σας πρόβλημα. Δεν είναι δικό μας.

Το iPad θα αλλάξει τις ασύρματες επικοινωνίες;

While much of the buzz around Apple's iPad is how the device may change the publishing industry, there is a chance it could change the wireless industry.

Typically data offered by wireless companies comes in one of two ways:
• The wireless carriers offers subsidized smartphones at a discount that require a two-year contract.

For example, a smartphone may cost a carrier $300, but the company sells it to the customer for $99 and counts on making up the difference during the length of the contract with the user paying for voice service (usually starting at $40 a month) and data service (usually $30 a month).

• Or a customer can buy a wireless data device for laptops and other gadgets for $60 a month on a two-year contract.

But since the iPad is not subsidized by AT&T, there is no contract. For $15 a month, iPad users can have 250 MB of 3G data via AT&T. The "unlimited" data plan (though most "unlimited" plans have 5 GB limits) is available for $30.

Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια εδώ.

Επίσης, θα γιατρέψει τον καρκίνο, την φτώχεια και γενικά θα εξορίσει κάθε είδους κακό σε όλο το γνωστό γαλαξία.

Εντάξει δεν λέω. Υπάρχει μία πιθανότητα να ρίξουν τις τιμές των 3G πακέτων ή να ανεβάσουν τις ταχύτητες ή/και τον όγκο οι εταιρίες. Αλλά είναι ΠΟΛΥ νωρίς για να ξέρουμε κάτι τέτοιο. Ίσως μετά τον πρώτο χρόνο κυκλοφορίας του iPad να ξέρουμε στα σίγουρα.

Μέχρι τότε να είναι καλά το iPad ;)


It's a tablet-eat-tablet world out there, and with Apple's iPad starting a trend that isn't likely to die throughout 2010, you can imagine that all sorts of lesser-known contenders will be popping up with tablets and slates of their own in order to strike while the iron is hot. Today, Neofonie is introducing the WePad, a German-made unit that promises "fast Internet connectivity, a complete world of ready-to-use applications and easy access to books and photos, as well as magazines and newspapers from various publishers via the WeMagazine ePublishing Eco System."

Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια εδώ.

WTF-Pad θέλανε να το βγάλουν κανονικά. Ένα κάρο ανόητες αντιγραφές του iPad που ΘΑ κυκλοφορήσουν κάποια στιγμή και ΘΑ είναι καλύτερα από το iPad και ΘΑ είναι αυτό κι εκείνο.

Παπαρολογίες κι Άγιος ο Θεός.


Κορίτσια; Ο Μπάρκουλης!

Έτσι λέγανε παλιά στο Ελλάντα. Σήμερα λένε παντού: "Κορίτσια; Τ' αγόρια του Twilight!"

Πέντε ολόκληρα λεπτά από τα γυρίσματα του The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, αφιερωμένο στους οπαδούς.

Φωτιά θα πέσει να με κάψει με τέτοια "άρθρα" στο weblog μου :P

Πεθαίνει άλλος ένας δολοφόνος του iPhone;

In January of 2009, shares of Palm traded at a little over $3 as everyone awaited details of the once-mighty smartphone maker's plans to save itself from certain death. In the wake of the Pre's successful unveiling later that month at CES, Palm's stock price more than doubled, and optimism about the Pre's prospects eventually drove shares to a high of over $17 in October of last year. But as of this past Friday's earnings report, sales are way below Palm's and Wall Street's expectations, the company has little cash left on hand, and shares of PALM have dropped all the way back down to $4. There's a growing consensus—as expressed by the market—that there are only two possible futures for Palm: acquisition, or insolvency.

So what happened? Wasn't webOS the greatest thing since the original iPhone OS? Wasn't the Pre a great phone? How did Palm blow it so badly?

I was a Pre user up until January of this past year, when the Nexus One came out. I went with Palm as far as I could, but in the end, I bailed. Here's where I think Palm went wrong, and why I left the Pre.

Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια εδώ.

Αυτό είναι που λέμε: "Όποιος σκάβει το λάκκο του άλλου, πέφτει ο ίδιος μέσα".

Επιθυμώ όσο κανείς άλλος, σκληρό ανταγωνισμό ενάντια στην Apple αλλά με πράξεις και όχι με λόγια. Στα λόγια έχω βαρεθεί ν' ακούω από τη δεκαετία του '80 το πως η Apple θα κλείσει και το πως τα προϊόντα της είναι για τα σκουπίδια.

Κι όμως η Apple είναι εδώ, πιο δυνατή από ποτέ, ενώ οι ανταγωνιστές της σήμερα είναι, αύριο δεν είναι.

Περαστικά τους. Αυτοί είναι όλο λόγια και τίποτα πιο πέρα. Καλά να πάθουν και καλά να πάθετε που σκορπάτε μπούρδες για την Apple σε κάθε ευκαιρία που σας παρουσιάζεται ή δημιουργείτε εσείς οι ίδιοι.

Τα λεφτά δεν είναι το παν. Ποτέ δεν ήταν. Ξεπεράστε το. Κρεμαστείτε σε καμιά συκιά και αφήστε μας ήσυχους. Σε κανέναν δεν θα λείψετε.

Five Minutes of Heaven

Δείτε το τρέιλερ σε HD εδώ.

Πολύ δυνατή ταινία για τους λάτρεις του κινηματογράφου. ΠΡΕΠΕΙ να τη δείτε!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Κόμικς στο iPad!

Αχαχαχαχα. Πολύ καλό!

Sorry Flash!


Κάποιος να με σταματήσει! Ακόμη γελάω...

Sony PS3 Move demo

Αυτά είναι!

Παιχνίδια για XBOX 360 και Windows Phone Series 7 στο iPhone;

On Monday, Novell will demonstrate new technology that will allow Microsoft Xbox 360 games to be translated into iPhone apps. It also has the capability to be used to create Android games, potentially taking some Xbox games to the mobile masses.

Novell, a Microsoft frenemy, is making it possible for you to play Xbox games on other devices now, while Microsoft, which created the platform, will leave you waiting for Windows Phone 7 handsets, due late this year. For whatever reason, Microsoft has chosen to be less than aggressive in supporting two extremely popular smartphone platforms despite obvious consumer demand.

Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια εδώ.

Ας πάρουμε μία εντελώς ουτοπιστική περίπτωση για την Micro$oft. Τα παιχνίδια που θα παίζουν στα Windows Phone Series 7 είναι εξαιρετικά και είναι ίδια με του XBOX 360. ΛΕΜΕ ΤΩΡΑ.

Και κάπως μέσω το λογισμικό της Novell αυτά παίζουν το ίδιο καλά στο iPhone. Είναι θετικό αυτό;

Ναι, αν είσαι κοντόφθαλμος ή της Micro$oft γιατί έτσι θα έχεις ακόμη περισσότερες ευκαιρίες να πείσεις προγραμματιστές τωρινούς ή μελλοντικούς ότι δεν χρειάζονται το iPhone SDK αλλά κάνοντας δουλειά για της Micro$oft το υλικό, θα έχουν έτσι και αλλιώς το iPhone στην τσέπη τους.

Κάπως έτσι πάει να παίξει το παιχνίδι και η Adobe με το επερχόμενο Adobe Creative Studio 5 (CS5) και το Flash, το οποίο αν όλα πάνε καλά για την Adobe, θα δίνει τη δυνατότητα η Flash εφαρμογή να παίζει στο iPhone.

Θα μου πει κάποιο ΖΩΟΝ εκεί έξω: "Τέλεια! Έτσι θα παίζω όλα τα Flash, τα XBOX 360 και τα Windows Phone Series 7 παιχνίδια! Να πάει να μπιπ-μπιπ η Apple."

ΣΕ ΤΕΤΟΙΑ ΖΩΑ ποντάρουν η Micro$oft και η Adobe. Γιατί πολύ απλά αυτή η στρατηγική τους δούλεψε μια χαρά, ΓΙΑ ΤΙΣ ΙΔΙΕΣ, πάνω από 15 χρόνια τώρα.

Θεωρητικά λοιπόν, ενώ έχουμε παιχνίδια και λογισμικό που παίζει στα Windows XP, Vista, 7, Mac OS X, Linux με μηδαμινό κόπο, αυτά τα παιχνίδια είναι ΤΟΣΟ άθλια μπροστά σε παιχνίδια του Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, Sony PS3, ακόμη και του XBOX 360 που είναι πλέον τραγικό.

Όλα αυτά γιατί ΖΩΑ σαν και τα παραπάνω ζώα ΔΕΝ έχουν απαιτήσεις από τις εταιρίες. Τι απαιτήσεις; ΤΑ ΑΥΤΟΝΟΗΤΑ. Να εκμεταλλεύονται 100% το υλικό και το λογισμικό για το οποίο φτιάχνουν τα παιχνίδια και τα προγράμματά τους οι παλιοεταιρίες.

Πάρτε παράδειγμα τους πολυπύρηνους επεξεργαστές, τα πολλαπλά gigabyte μνήμης, τους raid δίσκους, τις τερατώδης κάρτες γραφικών, που δεν μπορούν να κάνουν ένα παιχνίδι να παίζει σε υπολογιστή όπως το God of War 3 ή το Uncharted 2 ή το Gran Turismo 5 στο Sony PS3. Και ΠΑΝΤΑ μιλάμε για το PS3 υλικό το οποίο είναι του 2006!!!

Όλα αυτά χάρη στις παραπάνω πούστικες τακτικές της Micro$oft και των εταιριών που τη γουστάρουν, οι οποίες ΣΤΗΡΙΖΟΝΤΕ στην ηλιθιότητα σου φίλε(;) αναγνώστη...

ΞΥΠΝΑ! ΑΠΑΙΤΗΣΕ τις εταιρίες λογισμικού να χρησιμοποιούν τα καλύτερα εργαλεία για την καλύτερη δεδομένη πλατφόρμα υλικού και λειτουργικού συστήματος. ΑΠΑΙΤΗΣΕ να προγραμματίσουν και σε Assembly αν χρειαστεί. Μην είστε οι πουτάνες τους. Μην είναι οι νταβατζήδες σας. Μην είστε τα πρόβατά τους. Μην είναι οι τσοπάνηδες σας.