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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Θέλετε ένα iPhone; Εγώ θα πάρω 4!

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Apple CEO Steve Jobs has once again pulled a new iPhone model out of his proverbial magician's hat, leading hordes of gadget-happy consumers to wait in line for hours to snag one.

It may seem like a lot of hullabaloo for a smart phone upgrade that is practically routine in the phone's fourth iteration.

This time is different, though. Apple's iPhone 4, which went on sale Thursday, isn't simply an upgrade over the previous 3GS model. It has been significantly redesigned as a skinnier, classier and more covetous smart phone with a slew of new features.

And while owners of the older model can get the new iOS4 software for free without emptying their wallets, a new iPhone 4 will also give you a higher-resolution screen, speedier processor and a second, front-facing camera for video calls.

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iPhone 4 ftw λέμε!

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