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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ο Ballmer και η Micro$oft δεν μπορούν να καταλάβουν το iPad

"The operating system is called Windows," claimed Steve Ballmer when asked about Microsoft's plans for the tablet/slate/pad form factor at the company's annual Financial Analyst Meeting on Thursday. He expressed dismay at the iPad's strong sales figures, "[Apple has] sold certainly more than I'd like them to have sold," he said. Ballmer then promised that Windows-powered devices will be shipping "as soon as they are ready," going on to explain that they would get a boost from Intel's low-power Oak Trail platform next year.

The message was clear: Microsoft still doesn't understand why its Tablet PC concept has repeatedly bombed over the best part of a decade. Apple sold more iPads in its first three months of availability than PC vendors sold Tablet PCs in the whole of last year; in fact, the number of iPads sold in that period is likely to eclipse the number of Tablet PCs sold both last year and this. But still the company is persevering: stick a regular PC operating system on a laptop, give it a touchscreen, and then take away the keyboard and pixel-perfect pointing device. Ballmer even reiterated the company's position: slates are just another PC form factor.

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Από εδώ.

Σας το έχω πει καρκίνοι μου. Το iPad είναι το μέλλον. Η Apple είναι το μέλλον. Ακόμη και τις κακές αντιγραφές να χρησιμοποιείτε, έχουν μέσα το DNA της Apple. Δεκαετίες τώρα συμβαίνει και ΔΕΝ πρόκειται ν' αλλάξει παρά μόνο αν ΚΑΠΩΣ η Apple αυτοκαταστραφεί.

ΟΛΕΣ οι εταιρίες την αντιγράφουν. Google, Micro$oft, HP, Dell, κα. ΟΛΕΣ μα ΟΛΕΣ την αντιγράφουν. Γιατί αποτυχαίνουν; Γιατί απλά πολύ απλά μπορεί καρκίνοι μου να αντιγράφετε τον Leonardo da Vinci αλλά αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι είστε και ο Leonardo da Vinci. Θα θέλατε;

Καρκίνοι ΞΥΠΝΗΣΤΕ!

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