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Saturday, December 05, 2009

Άρρωστες μέρες. Άρρωστοι κι εμείς.

Άρρωστος κι εγώ.

Καιρό έχουμε να τα πούμε. Ας όψεται η αρρώστια που πέρασα. Περαστικά μου και περαστικά σ' όλους τους άρρωστους. Περαστικά μας!

Αρκετά συνέβησαν ενώ ο Mac Culturist ίδρωνε στο κρεβάτι του και πλακωνόταν στα φάρμακα.

Πάμε να δούμε μερικά από αυτά παρακάτω:

With the release of the Motorola Droid, Verizon Wireless takes a shot directly at the iPhone. Featuring an eye-catching 3.7" WVGA screen, the same speedy ARM Cortex A8-based processor that powers the Pre and the iPhone 3GS, and a modern smartphone OS, the Droid is definitely a phone to be reckoned with. But is all this enough to make this phone your daily companion?

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Τι να πω; Μόνο σ' αυτόν τον κόσμο η φτηνιάρικια χαζομάρα Droid θα έπαιρνε τόση προώθηση. Από την άλλη όλοι ξεχνάνε ότι η Apple ακόμη είναι στο 2ο κινητό της και έχουν πολλά ακόμη να δούνε τα μάτια μας και να χαϊδέψουν τα δαχτυλάκια μας. Άσχετο αλλά το iPhone 3G S > απ' όλα τ΄ άλλα "AppPhones" εκεί έξω ΜΕ ΔΙΑΦΟΡΑ.

It's good to see Facebook taking the issue of privacy seriously. Although it's easy to blame the user for over-sharing and then having to deal with harsh consequences like job loss or even, remarkably, the loss of health-care benefits by sharing some items too publicly, at the end of the day, affected users will not blame themselves, they will blame Facebook. And those reading these "social network horror stories" in the media could ultimately become too afraid to post to the site, leading to a less active user base, or worse - users deleting their accounts.

Privacy issues are bad news for Facebook, just as they were bad news for MySpace back when they were king. For years, there were so many news stories about sexual predators on MySpace that eventually the public perception of MySpace was that the network wasn't very safe. Instead of going that route and allowing the media stories about Facebook blunders to control the network's public image, these privacy changes are designed to preempt the missteps and mistakes the not-so-savvy user base may make by making Facebook privacy simpler and more refined while also more representative of the large network Facebook has become.

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Κάλιο αργά παρά ποτέ λέω εγώ. Αλλά παρόλα αυτά το Facebook είναι από τις μεγαλύτερες ανοησίες που 350 εκατομμύρια από εσάς χρησιμοποιείτε. Δίπλα στα: Micro$oft Messenger, Windows, Office και τις Live Υπηρεσίες τους.

Τουλάχιστον πάλι καλά που στο 1 και πλέον δισεκατομμύριο χρήστες των Windows, μόνο το 1/3 χρησιμοποιεί την βλακεία το Facebook. Ουφ. Ευτυχώς.

Απίστευτες φωτογραφίες μεγάλων αλλά και μικρών ηθοποιών στο Empire Online. Πάρτε παράδειγμα τους μοναδικούς Jack Nicholson, Clint Eastwood και Morgan Freeman.

Δείτε όλες τις φωτογραφίες εδώ.

While it's always hard to see friends fight, it might be even harder to see multinational telecoms get in a spat. That's why it was so difficult for us to watch as AT&T first filed suit against Verizon. The point of contention was the "There's a Map for That" commercials, which poked fun not only at the "There's an App for That" iPhone commercials, but also AT&T's 3G coverage.

It turned out that Verizon really liked its commercials and wasn't about to give them up without a fight. Verizon denied that its commercials were misleading, instead claiming that AT&T wasn't suing because Verizon's claims were wrong, but because "the truth hurts."

When it became clear to AT&T that it wasn't getting an emergency injunction banning the spots—and that a lawsuit could take some time before it was even heard—it did what any powerful corporation with an astronomical advertising budget would do: it hired the second most popular Wilson brother it could find, and fired back.

Wilson's acting was apparently enough to put both companies in conciliatory moods. According to official court documents we received today, both companies have dropped their respective suits—including one from this past summer, in which Verizon asked a judge to declare that its advertising "America's most reliable wireless network" is truthful—ending what was, for us, a tough couple of weeks.

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Τι να πω; Γελοιότητες στο όνομα της διαφήμισης. Αρνητικής ή θετικής. Διαφήμιση και Άγιος ο Θεός. Καλά να πάθουμε.

After cutting over 1,500 employees from its workforce, Electronic Arts has revealed that it will also be reducing the number of games it releases next year, according to a report from Reuters. The company, which will release around 50 titles this year, plans to cut that number down to 40 next year, and possibly even less in the future.

"Thirty wouldn't shock me at some point in the future," CEO John Riccitiello said.

The move comes as EA attempts to continue its focus on quality games, but also as it shifts towards more digital releases. "We're the world's leader in packaged goods games, we make more of them than anybody," Riccitiello explained. "We're not suggesting that business is going away...(but) there's this other thing that's growing."

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Αχαχαχα. Τελικά θ΄αλλάξω τ' όνομά μου από Mac Culturist σε Mac Prophet. Χρόνια τώρα σας λέω ότι η βιομηχανία παιχνιδιών των Windows είναι ανύπαρκτη και είναι ΜΕΓΑΛΗ μαλακία να μου λέτε πόσο τρομερά και θαυμαστά είναι τα Windows computers που έχουν ΤΟΣΑ ΠΟΛΛΑ παιχνίδια, κλπ. Τρομπόνια. Αυτό ήσασταν και αυτό είστε. Επίσης, φτηνιάριδες που αντί να παίρνετε PS3, Wii ή στη χειρότερη XBOX 360 τα σκάτε σε ΤΡΟΜΕΡΑ Windows PC των 400 και 500 ευρώ με σκοπό να κάνετε αναβαθμίσεις τρεις και λίγο. Βρε τρεις και ο κούκος είστε. Τρομπόνια.

Betanews reports (via The Loop) on data from market research firm NPD showing that Apple garnered 48% of the U.S. PC industry's retail revenue last month.

"In October, Mac US retail desktop computer revenue share was 47.71, percent up from 33.44 percent a year earlier, according to NPD. It's a stunning number, given just how many Windows PC companies combined command so much more market share, while competing for the same revenue share."

While NPD's Stephen Baker points to a confluence of events, including Apple's refresh of its iMac line during the month and a decline of PC sales ahead of the launch of Windows 7, as being responsible for Apple's performance during the month, he also notes that the trend is not likely to continue. Data from previous months, however, shows that Apple had been performing quite well even back in April of this year, when it captured 45% of the desktop retail revenue.

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Με λίγα λόγια η Apple όχι μόνο πάει στις μπάντες αλλά πάει και την βιομηχανία των Windows PC Καβάλα ;) Και αυτά είναι μόνο η αρχή.

What made Pyramidal Technologies decide to go with a Mac Pro over other systems? That was the question I asked the system's architect and Pyramidal's CTO, Ardavan Tajbakhsh. He came across as very knowledgeable in all areas of computer science and, while not a Mac-fanatic, was able to weigh the options from what he called a "non-religious" stance.

In comparing the Mac and OS X to other available options, the primary benefits he found were on the technical end of the spectrum, but that's what you need in forensics, right? Ardavan had plenty of prior experience with UNIX systems (which OS X is based on), and already knew that they were more stable and secure than other options. He also considered pedigree important, and UNIX has had plenty of time to mature. Here's an abbreviated list of some of the many additional considerations:
-Superior plug-and-play capabilities (the Mac "Just Works")
-A more robust file system, data protection
-Superior memory management
-Multi-core architecture
-Easy computation with the GPU, OpenCL
-OS X is, essentially, founded on Open Source software, versus the proprietary nature of Windows.
-Mac hardware has maintained high quality, while Windows hardware has been a race to the bottom of the price gamut and quality has suffered.
-64-bit computing
-Superior application development tools
-On the Mac, form does follow function. "Why shouldn't things be beautiful?"

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Με λίγα λόγια κάποιοι ειδικοί εκεί έξω άρχισαν να τη χαμπαριάζουν τη δουλειά. Ναι κύριοι. Αρχίσατε να τη χαμπαριάζετε. Μετά από δεκαετίες που η NASA, η NSA και άλλοι απίστευτοι οργανισμοί και εταιρίες χρησιμοποιούσαν και χρησιμοποιούν Mac, εσείς εκεί στην ανοησία των Windows. Κάλλιο αργά παρά ποτέ βρε.

Version 5 of the popular Mac virtualization package, Parallels Desktop, has hit the streets, and Ars puts it through its paces. Gaming performance, Windows 7, content creation, Linux—it's all here, plus the inevitable comparisons to the most recent VMware Fusion release.

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Αν θέλετε Windows στο Mac σας και το Boot Camp δεν σας κάνει, πάρτε να χετε. Βέβαια να πω την αλήθεια, εγώ σας προτείνω να ΜΗΝ βάλετε Windows στο Mac σας αλλά επειδή σας ξέρω, σας προτείνω, το Boot Camp και μετά VMWare Fusion. Αν δεν έχετε τα χρήματα τότε χτυπήστε ένα VirtualBox!

The easiest thing you can do is to vote with your dollar. Companies don't listen to what you say, they watch to what you do; the loudest complaint doesn't matter if you go ahead and purchase the game. Tell companies what they can do to earn your money instead of threatening them with losing it.

Threatening anyone with a criminal act doesn't get anything done. If you convince everyone you're a pirate, you remove yourself from the conversation completely. Why make yourself so easily ignored?

You can also join the Entertainment Consumers Association to keep up with current events in gaming and stay organized with the greater community. "Prior to ECA, consumers didn't have a conduit with which to speak to the industry in general, or rights holders in particular. So we're in a transitory process at present, ramping-up our membership, getting the word out about the org and educating consumers on the various issue areas in which they can become involved," ECA President Hal Halpin told Ars. "As we do that, I'd hope that we'll see less of the extremist—and often anonymous—ranting and raving online, which is counterproductive and tends to give folks on the other side of the table justification for marginalizing their argument."

Halpin argued for more disclosure in the use of Digital Rights Management in games, and for a standardized End User Licensing Agreement during the Federal Trade Commission's Summit on the matter. This is a man who can help to get things done.

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Άντε βρε. Άντε. Επειδή είμαι στις καλές μου. Ορίστε η λύση στο πρόβλημά σας. Να πως μπορείτε να ανεβάσετε την Windows βιομηχανία παιχνιδιών στην κορυφή. Με το να αγοράσετε τα παιχνίδια τους. Μουαχαχαχα.com. Εκεί καταλήγουν όλα. Να σας παρακαλάνε να αγοράσετε. Λέγοντάς σας ευθέως, στη μούρη σας, ότι δεν σας ακούνε παρά μόνο όταν τους σκάτε τα ζεστά λεφτουδάκια σας. Μουαχαχαχα.com. Γραμμένους σας έχουν βρε Μπεεεε.

It's an ugly rumor. There's no way Microsoft would resort to bribing Web sites to get delisted from Google, is there? I mean, aside from the restraint of trade issues and the callback to the tribulations the company went through with its dirty Internet Explorer tricks, Microsoft has learned to compete fairly, right? Not so, according to the reports stemming from a Financial Times article, which highlights the company's desire to team-up with Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., in order to screw Google.

This whole thing began when Murdoch began to complain that Google was "stealing" News Corp. content. He demanded that the company pay a pittance or he would pull the plug, preventing Google from spidering its sites. Google searches provide between 25 and 50 percent of the page views of just about any site. This includes blogs, newspapers, everything. Would Murdoch throw away 25 to 50 percent of his sites' revenue just to spite Google? Yeah, right.
Everyone knows that Murdoch—or anyone else for that matter—can add codes to their Web sites that will call off Google indexing immediately. There is an entire "dark Web" that has done this to protect pirates and help others keep a low profile. Instead of bellyaching very publicly, Murdoch could have already taken action. The fact is, this is a shakedown. I'm sure the Googlers are rolling their eyes.

Meanwhile, the numbnuts at Microsoft see this as an opportunity to play games. The company is supposedly in negotiations with Murdoch over some kind of deal with the devil that will make News Corp. results exclusive to Bing. Microsoft apparently thinks that this is such a good idea that it's looking for other sites to enter into exclusive deals with for its search engine.

I can see such a deal being interpreted in a number of ways. And if it does wind up in court, Microsoft will probably lose, because, well, it can't seem to beat anyone in court. At first glance, this smacks of restraint of trade. After all, how is this different someone paying people in the mall not to shop at Macy's? "Here's $10. Do not, and I mean do not shop at Macy's. Capiche?" Is that all that different from, "Here's $10,000, do not allow Google to index you?" Does Microsoft think people are going to flock to Bing if it pulls this kind of crap? It's naïve and laughable.

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Δεν το μπορώ άλλο αυτό. Να συμφωνώ, ΕΓΩ με τον Dvorak. Δεν γίνεται αυτό. Μάλλον τα έχω χάσει για τα καλά. Ή τα βρήκε αυτός. Δεν εξηγείται αλλιώς. Για σφαλιάρες και η Micro$oft και η News Corp. Αν το κάνουν αυτό, πάει και τελείωσε. Θα μπούμε ΠΑΛΙ σε σκοταδισμό όπως ακριβώς έγινε μεταξύ του 1995 και 2005. Όχι ότι τώρα ξέρουμε ακριβώς τι παίζει. Πιόνια είμαστε πάλι. Αλλά όχι και έτσι ρε. ΔΕΝ θα περάσει αυτό. ΟΥΣΤ!

November will be a big month for Nintendo when all is said and done, based on the more than 1.5 million consoles and handhelds it sold in the United States last week.

That 1.5 million breaks down to more than 550,000 Wii consoles and more than 1 million Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi portables, according to Nintendo's internal estimates. In terms of frequency, that's over 150 Nintendo hardware units sold every minute, more than 2.5 smiles put on faces every second.

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Μάλιστα. Αυτά είναι. Μπράβο στη Nintendo. Μπράβο. Συνεχίζει η Nintendo να βάζει γυαλιά στην υπόλοιπη βιομηχανία παιχνιδιών. Τώρα μόνο πρέπει ν' αρχίσει να προσέχει την Apple με το iPhone και iPod Touch και όλα θα της πάνε καλά. Και αν η Nintendo πάει καλά, καλά θα πάμε και μεις. Γιατί κύριοι και κυρίες, η Nintendo κάνει τη διαφορά στα βίντεο παιχνίδια, δεκαετίες τώρα. Αν δεν ήτανε το Wii ακόμη με τα κοινά χειριστήρια θα παίζαμε. Χάρη στο Wii θα παίξουν οι οπαδοί της Sony με τα νέα χειριστήρια το 2010(;) και οι οπαδοί της Micro$oft με τη νέα κάμερα το 2010(;). Αλλιώς; Αλλιώς 30 χρόνια πίσω θα ήμασταν ακόμη που για να μαθαίνουν οι νέοι και να θυμούνται οι παλιοί ΠΑΛΙ χάρη ΚΑΙ στη Nintendo είχε συμβεί και αυτό (σε συνδυασμό με τους άλλους κολοσσούς Sega και Atari).

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