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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Micro$oft σπονσοραρισμένο συνέδριο; Αλήθεια;

Once again, it's Mobius time! Mobius is an invite-only event, hosted by Microsoft, where the invited guests are shown what Microsoft is doing in the mobile space. Full disclosure: Microsoft generously covers our flight and hotel expenses, and keeps us well fed during the event - though there are some attendees that pay their own way to get here, and pay for their own hotel. I'm not one of those people - if a company is willing to pay for me to fly out to see what they're up to, I'll take them up on the offer. It won't change my opinion about what they're showing me.

Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια εδώ.

Βέβαια αυτό μου μετράει από εκεί είναι αυτή η φωτογραφία ή όπως λέμε μια εικόνα χίλιες λέξεις:

Μμμμ. Σα να έχει αρκετά Apple μηχανήματα για συνέδριο που σπονσοράρεται από τη Micro$oft, έτσι;


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