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Sunday, February 15, 2009

People vs George

Revered by some, feared and demonized by others, George Lucas is undoubtedly the most talked about and criticized filmmaker in movie history.

Why have so many STAR WARS fans turned against him to decry the release of the Special Editions and the Prequel Trilogy? Why is George Lucas the constant target of bloggers, critics and self-proclaimed devotees? And why are millions of others staunchly prepared to defend him in the face of innumerable accusations?

THE PEOPLE vs. GEORGE LUCAS aims to answer those questions, and to impartially deconstruct the cultural legacy of a man whose life, feelings and creative impulses remain largely shrouded in mystery.

Read the rest here.

I like and support George Lucas work so far, still, I can understand the rest of the people getting annoyed by his modern work. Watch the trailer below.

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