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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Θύματα ψάρια γίνονται κυνηγοί(;)

A mystery is brewing off the south west coast of Africa.

A particular species of small fish, typically no larger than the length of your hand, is thriving in the oxygen-depleted, jellyfish-ridden waters, and scientists have no idea how.

An international team of researchers studied the bearded goby (Sufflogobius bibarbatus), a harmless creature that normally feeds on phytoplankton and provides a rich food source for predators like penguins, seals and larger fish.

They discovered that the community of gobies was behaving in strange and interesting ways.

They're eating the same jellyfish who normally prey on them.

"We don't know if they are eating dead jellyfish from the bottom, or if they are coming up to oxygen-filled layers to eat jellyfish, but they are eating jellyfish," Victoria Braithwaite, a Penn State University professor of fisheries and biology and team researcher, said in press release.

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Μακάρι να μπορούσε η φύση να φάει αύριο όλους όσους την ξεσκίζουν και της συμπεριφέρονται σαν να είναι το χειρότερο σκουπίδι. Μακάρι.

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