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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Windows Se7en?

So far, I feel that Windows 7 has had a pretty easy ride, both by tech pundits and tech enthusiasts. People who see and get a chance to spend time with Windows 7 seem to like the OS. There are even Mac fans out there willing to admit that Windows 7 is pretty good. But let’s take the gloves off and get down to the nitty-gritty and ponder a question that anyone who is considering upgrading an OS should be asking themselves - What’s really new in Windows 7?


Another thing to bear in mind is that Microsoft will one again try to create artificial stratification within the Windows 7 ecosystem by removing some features from lower versions. For example, if you want to be able to access your PC via remote desktop, you have to stump up the cash for Professional. But consider whether you really need to spend extra cash for a feature that you can add for free. Similarly, you can add features such as DVD playback support to Starter edition using freely available software. Remember, Microsoft relies on naive users being dissatisfied with the lower-specced editions of Windows to boost revenues.

I’m not going to make any silly claims that Microsoft will be dethroned any time soon, but I do believe that unless the Redmond giant can align user expectation with price (in a market where technology prices are falling at an incredible rate), their seemingly unstoppable upgrade train could well be headed for the buffers.

Read the whole story here titled "What's really new in Windows 7? The answer, not much!".

Once again... Welcome to my past. Damn sheep.

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