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Monday, May 18, 2009

Microsoft's OS Boogie

So I'm discussing column topics with my Cranky Geeks cohort, Sebastian "Did-you-know-I-was-taught-guitar-by-Joe-Satriani?" Rupley. He tells me something that doesn't surprise me in the least: "Anything written about Windows 7 right now sends readership numbers through the roof!"

It's always been like that: Readers are generally interested in nothing but the latest operating system from Microsoft. This is especially true during the period of rave reviews that precedes the actual shipment of the real product. I suppose I could install Win7 RC1 and write a useless review talking about how fast it is when you have 20GB of main memory and the OS and ten apps are all in RAM. But so what? It's a "candidate," not the final product. It is, by definition, zombie code that people are supposed to find fault with, not praise.

These public betas are publicity stunts that really accomplish very little. Has anyone noticed the similarities to what happened with Windows Vista?

Read the rest here.

I mean wtf? Dvorak nailed it once again. We are living in very strange times indeed.

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